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Geoffroy de Lusignan

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Lineage Lusignan
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Geoffroy de Lusignan

w Hugues VIII de Lusignan (le Vieux ou le Brun) [Lusignan] b. 1106 d. 1174

Bourgogne de Rancon [Rancon]

Wiki-page wikipedia:fr:Geoffroy de Lusignan


marriage: Eustachie Chabot [Chabot] d. after 1200


From grandparents to grandchildren

Yolande de Lusignan
birth: 1080
death: 1134
Hugh VII de Lusignan (Le Brun)
birth: 1065, Lusignan (Vienne), France
property: Lord of Lusignan
title: between 1102 and 1151, Count of La Marche
death: 1151
Aimée de Lusignan
birth: Lusignan France
Simon de Lusignan
title: Lord of Lezay
Rogue de Lusignan (de Saint-Gelais)
property: seigneur de Saint-Gelais
== 3 ==
Raouel de Lusignan
birth: 1160
marriage: Alice d'Eu
death: 9 February 1218
Amaury II de Lusignan
birth: 1145
marriage: w Эшива Ибелин
title: 1194, king of Cyprus
title: 1197, king of Jérusalem
marriage: Isabella ? (of Jerusalem) , Jerusalem, Acra (fortress)
death: 1 April 1205
Guido von Lusignan
birth: 1159
title: between 1180 and 1183, comte de Jaffa et d'Ascalon
marriage: Sibyla ? (of Jerusalem)
title: between 1186 and 1192, roi de Jérusalem
other: September 1191, Apollonie de Palestine, Israël, Bataille d'Arsouf
title: May 1192, принял управление Кипром, хотя Королем Кипра он не был коронован
death: 18 July 1194
Hugo von Lusignan
birth: about 1148
marriage: Orengarde
death: about 1169
Eustachie Chabot
title: Vouvant (85), dame de Vouvant
marriage: Geoffroy de Lusignan
death: after 1200
== 3 ==

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