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Lanzelin (Lancelot) of Klettgau b. estimated 930 d. August 991

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Lineage Habsburg
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Lanzelin (Lancelot) of Klettgau

Guntram der Reiche [Habsburg] b. between 904 and 930 d. after 26 March 973



estimated 930 birth:

marriage: Lütgard von Nellenburg [Nellenburg] b. estimated 935

estimated 945 child birth: Ланцелин (Ландольт) II [Габсбурги] b. estimated 945 d. after 1027

between 975 and 980 child birth: Вернер I [Габсбурги] b. between 975 and 980 d. 28 October 1028

985 child birth: Ratbod (Radbod) (Rathbod) von Habsburg [Habsburg] b. 985 d. 30 June 1045

between 985 and 990 child birth: Рудольф I [Габсбурги] b. between 985 and 990 d. between 29 January 1063 and 1 March 1064

August 991 death:

[edit] Sources

  1. -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Hugo Ier von Nordgau
birth: estimated 880
title: Graf von Nordgau
title: Graf von Ortenau
title: Graf von Ortenau
marriage: Hildegarde von Ferrette
death: 940
Hildegarde von Ferrette
birth: estimated 890
marriage: Hugo Ier von Nordgau
death: before 940
Eberhard IV van de Nordgau
birth: estimated 910
marriage: Luitgard van Lotharingen
death: 18 December 973
Guntram der Reiche
birth: between 904 and 930
death: after 26 March 973, date is march 26th
== 3 ==
== 3 ==
Ида Верхне-Лотарингская
birth: about 23 July 995
marriage: Ratbod (Radbod) (Rathbod) von Habsburg
death: after 1035, Бур, Мури
Ratbod (Radbod) (Rathbod) von Habsburg
birth: 985
title: 991, Graf im Klettgau
marriage: Ида Верхне-Лотарингская
death: 30 June 1045
Вернер I
birth: between 975 and 980
occupation: from 1001 - 1028, епископ Страсбурга
death: 28 October 1028, Константинополь
Рудольф I
birth: between 985 and 990
death: between 29 January 1063 and 1 March 1064
burial: Abteikirche Ottmarsheim
Bertha van de Sündergau
birth: estimated 955
death: after 1000
Ланцелин (Ландольт) II
birth: estimated 945
death: after 1027
Werner I von Habsburg
birth: 1025
marriage: Regulinda von Baden (Lenzburg)
title: from 1045 - 1082, Старшинство Габсбурзьке, Священне Царство Римське, Старшина
death: 11 November 1096
Otto I von Habsburg
birth: 1015
title: from 1045 - 1055, Graaf in Sundgau
death: about 1055
Albrecht I van Habsburg
birth: 1016
title: from 1045 - 1055, Graaf op de Habsburg
death: about 1055
Рікенца Старшининя Габзбурзька
birth: about 1030
death: 27 May 1080, Мури
Berthold van de Breisgau
birth: estimated 980
death: about 1024, datum: 15 juli

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