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Mayer Alphonse James de Rothschild b. 1 February 1827 d. 26 May 1905

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Lineage Rothschild
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Mayer Alphonse James de Rothschild

Jacob Meyer Rothschild [Rothschild] b. 15 May 1792 d. 15 November 1868

Betty Rothschild [Rothschild] b. 1805 d. 1886

Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Alphonse James de Rothschild
Reference numbers GEDCOM::lorenfamily.ged::INDI @I30654@::Hailey C. Shannon


1 February 1827 birth: Paris, France

child birth: w Bethsabée de Rothschild [Rothschild]

child birth: w Béatrice de Rothschild [Rothschild]

title: baron de Rothschild

1857 marriage: Leonora de Rothschild [Rothschild] b. 1837 d. 1911

1858 child birth: Paris, France, Bettina Caroline de Rothschild [Rothschild] b. 1858 d. 1892

24 February 1868 child birth: Paris, France, w Édouard Alphonse James de Rothschild [Rothschild] b. 24 February 1868 d. 30 June 1949

26 May 1905 death: Paris, France


Source: Please cite original sources. Compiled by: J. K. Loren

From grandparents to grandchildren

Mayer Amschel Rothschild
birth: 23 February 1744, Free Imperial City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire
marriage: Gudole Schnapper , Free Imperial City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire
death: 19 September 1812, Frankfurt, Grand Duchy of Frankfurt, Confederation of the Rhine
Meyer Wolf Salomon Schnapper
birth: 1757
marriage: Hannah Israel
death: 3 June 1821, Francfort-sur-le-Main
Gudole Schnapper
birth: 23 August 1753
marriage: Mayer Amschel Rothschild , Free Imperial City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire
death: 7 May 1849
Salomon Meyer Rothschild
birth: 9 September 1774, Free Imperial City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire
marriage: Caroline Stern
title: from 1822 - 1855, baron de Rothschild
death: 28 July 1855
Jacob Samuel Heyum Stern
birth: 1780, Francfort-sur-le-Main
marriage: Theresia Wohl
death: 16 August 1833, Francfort-sur-le-Main
Nathan Mayer Rothschild
birth: 16 September 1777, Free Imperial City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire
caste: 1805, Banker
marriage: Hannah Barent-Cohen
title: from 1818 - 1836, Autriche, baron de Rothschild
death: 28 July 1836, London, England
Amschel Mayer Rothschild
birth: 12 June 1773, Free Imperial City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire
title: from 1822 - 1855, baron de Rothschild
death: 6 December 1855
Calmann Mayer Rothschild
birth: 24 April 1788, Free Imperial City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire
title: from 1822 - 1855, Austria, Baron de Rothschild
death: 10 March 1855, Naples, Naples, Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
Babette Rothschild
birth: 1784, Free Imperial City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire
marriage: Siegmund Leopold Beyfus
death: 1868
Schönche Antoinette Rothschild
birth: 20 August 1771, Free Imperial City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire
marriage: Benedikt Moses Worms
death: 1859
Henriette Rothschild
birth: 1791, Free Imperial City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire
marriage: Abraham Montefiore
death: 1866, London, England
Isabella Rothschild
birth: 1781, Free Imperial City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire
death: 1861
Julie Rothschild
birth: 1790, Free Imperial City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire
marriage: Meyer Levin Beyfus
death: 1813
Jacob Meyer Rothschild
birth: 15 May 1792, Free Imperial City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire
title: from 1822 - 1868, baron de Rothschild
marriage: Betty Rothschild , Paris, France
property: 8 August 1868, Pauillac, Purchased Chateau Lafite
death: 15 November 1868, Paris, France
Anselm Salomon Rothschild
birth: 29 January 1803, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
marriage: Charlotte Nathan Rothschild
death: 27 July 1874, Vienna (Austria)
Betty Rothschild
birth: 1805
marriage: Jacob Meyer Rothschild , Paris, France
death: 1886
== 3 ==
Gustave de Rothschild
birth: about 17 February 1829
title: Baron de Rothschild
marriage: Cécile Anspach
death: 28 January 1911
Edmond James de Rothschild
birth: 19 August 1845
title: Baron de Rothschild
marriage: Adelaide Rothschild
caste: 1929, President of the Jewish Agency
death: 2 November 1934, Paris, France
burial: 1954, Ramat HaNadiv, Zikhron Ya'akov, Israel
Charlotte de Rothschild
birth: 6 May 1825, Paris, France
marriage: w Nathaniel de Rothschild
death: 20 July 1899, Paris, France
Leonora de Rothschild
birth: 1837, London, England, United Kingdom
marriage: Mayer Alphonse James de Rothschild
death: 1911, Vienna (Austria)
Mayer Alphonse James de Rothschild
birth: 1 February 1827, Paris, France
title: baron de Rothschild
marriage: Leonora de Rothschild
death: 26 May 1905, Paris, France
== 3 ==
Albert Salomon von Rothschild
birth: 29 October 1844, Vienna (Austria)
marriage: Bettina Caroline de Rothschild , Paris, France
death: 11 February 1911, Vienna (Austria)
Bettina Caroline de Rothschild
birth: 1858, Paris, France
marriage: Albert Salomon von Rothschild , Paris, France
death: 1892, Vienna (Austria)
Germaine Halphen
birth: 29 February 1884, Paris (75)
marriage: w Édouard Alphonse James de Rothschild
death: 1 January 1975, Paris (75)
Édouard Alphonse James de Rothschild
birth: 24 February 1868, Paris, France
title: baron de Rothschild
marriage: Germaine Halphen
death: 30 June 1949, Paris, France
Béatrice de Rothschild
property: Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat (06), Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild
marriage: Maurice Ephrussi
Georg Anselm Alphonse von Rothschild
birth: 1877, Vienna (Austria)
death: 1934
Gregor Piatigorsky
birth: 17 April 1903, Dnipro
marriage: Jacqueline Rebecca Louise de Rothschild (Piatigorsky)
death: 6 August 1976, Los Angeles
Hildegarde Karoline von Auersperg
birth: 30 October 1895, Wien
marriage: Louis Nathaniel von Rothschild , Long Island, Locust Valley, USA
death: 1981
Louis Nathaniel von Rothschild
birth: 5 March 1882, Wien
marriage: Hildegarde Karoline von Auersperg , Long Island, Locust Valley, USA
death: 15 January 1955, Montego Bay, Jamaika

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