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Ura-Tarushu (Tayitetian) of Arzawa (Urhiteshub) b. about
From Rodovid EN
Lineage | Arzawa |
Sex | Male |
Full name (at birth) | Ura-Tarushu (Tayitetian) of Arzawa |
Other last names | Urhiteshub |
Other given names | Фараг, Тара,, Терах бен Нахор,, Terach (Hebrew), Terah (Hebrew), Athchosan (Parthian), Tahurwali (Luwayan), Tahurwaili (Hittite), Tat/Tait IlSera [Gallic Sources], Tovorg (Avestan Tradition) |
about birth: Arsawa (Assuwa)
between -1493 and -1481 other: Leader of the revolt against Theban rule.
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Mentioned in the Lebor Gebala Eirienn
Among the Greeks of Asia, Terach/Tovorg was known as Althenus Althuscus, and among the Egyptians at Tayit/Tetian, among the Hurrians/Hittites as Talzush
Contemporary with Hittite King Huzziya II
[edit] Sources
- ↑ Быт 11:26 - Фарра жил семьдесят лет и родил Аврама, Нахора и Арана.
- ↑ Lebor Geballa Erienn -
- ↑ Autobiography of Idrimi the Hurrian -
- ↑ Writings of Ahmose Pen-Nekhebet -
- ↑ -
From grandparents to grandchildren