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Rodney Ravenelle (Gribbell) b. 1 June 1938

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Lineage Ravenelle
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Rodney Ravenelle
Other last names Gribbell

Joseph Daniel Ravenolia (Tinsley) [Ravenelle] b. 29 October 1890

Olga Judith Gribbell (Aracena) [Gribbell] b. 25 January 1904 d. 2 February 1970


1 June 1938 birth: Santiago (Chile)

From grandparents to grandchildren

Joseph Daniel Ravenolia
birth: 25 March 1861, Charleston (South Carolina), USA
marriage: Carolina Georgia Tinsley , Columbia (South Carolina)
Carolina Georgia Tinsley
birth: about March 1860, Charleston (South Carolina)
marriage: Joseph Daniel Ravenolia , Columbia (South Carolina)
death: 1 June 1926, New York City
Leon Sinclair Ravenolia (Tinsley)
birth: 17 December 1886, Charleston (South Carolina), USA
death: 27 June 1960, Fort Worth (Texas), Tarrant County (Texas), USA, Mt. Olivet Cemetery
Jesse Lloyd Ravenolia (Tinsley)
birth: 24 November 1888, Charleston (South Carolina), USA
fact 1: 25 June 1911, New York City, West Broadway, [ NYT: Lloyd, sister Georgia and Naomi Smith visit Nettie Jay]
Georgia May Ravenolia (Tinsley)
birth: 29 May 1892, Charleston (South Carolina), USA
marriage: William Henry Enoch Jay , Brooklyn (New York)
death: about May 1973, Long Island City, State of New York, USA
Claude Cleveland Ravenolia (Tinsley)
birth: 7 November 1884, Charleston (South Carolina), USA
marriage: Margaret Thomas , Union City (New Jersey), USA, Grace Episcopal Church
death: 25 December 1958
Joseph Daniel Ravenolia (Tinsley)
birth: 29 October 1890, Charleston (South Carolina), USA
marriage: Olga Judith Gribbell (Aracena)
birth: 7 December 1961, Santiago (Chile)
Olga Judith Gribbell (Aracena)
birth: 25 January 1904, Vallenar, Chile
marriage: Joseph Daniel Ravenolia (Tinsley)
death: 2 February 1970, Santiago (Chile)
== 3 ==
Grace Josephine Ravenelle (Gribbell)
birth: 20 August 1931, Chile, Pedro de Valdivia (?)
marriage: Roberto Rötger (Chijani)
Joseph Daniel Ravenelle (Gribbell)
birth: 29 July 1922, Tocopilla, Chile
death: about 1927
George Julius Ravenelle (Gribbell)
birth: 7 March 1924, Tocopilla, Chile
death: 8 July 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Joseph Daniel Ravenelle (Gribbell)
birth: 15 July 1934, Santiago (Chile)
Olga Alice Ravenelle (Gribbell)
birth: 17 September 1925, Tocopilla, Chile
marriage: Carlos Adan Recine (Lezaeta) , New York City, State of New York, St. Paul's Chapel, Columbia University
Rodney Ravenelle (Gribbell)
birth: 1 June 1938, Santiago (Chile)
== 3 ==

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