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Katherine Nádasdy b. about 1594

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Lineage Nádasdy
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Katherine Nádasdy

Elizabeth Báthory (The Blood Countess) [Báthory] b. 7 August 1560 d. 21 August 1614

Ferenc Nádasdy de Nádasd et Fogarasföld [Nádasdy] b. 1555 d. 4 January 1604



about 1594 birth:

child birth: Эржебет Другет (Реваи) [Другет] d. before 1667

child birth: Мария Другет (Сецхи, Суньёг) [Другет] d. 1643

1609 child birth: Янош Другет [Другет] b. 1609 d. 22 November 1645

6 January 1610 marriage: Burg Čachtice, Georg Drugeth von Homonna [Drugeth] b. 1583 d. 1620

[edit] Sources

  1. -

From grandparents to grandchildren

István V Báthory
birth: 27 September 1533
title: from 1571 - 1576, Prince of Transylvania
title: from 14 December 1575 - 12 December 1586, king of Poland
title: from 1576 - 12 December 1586, Grand Duke of Lithuania
marriage: Anna Jagiellonica
death: 22 December 1586, Grodno
burial: Wawel, Poland
András VII Báthory de Somlyó
marriage: w Margit Maylád de Fogaras et Szunyogszegh
death: 7 January 1563, Șimleu Silvaniei, Transylvania
Christoph Báthory
birth: 1530, Шомьё
marriage: Erzsébet Bocskai
death: 27 May 1581, Дьюлафехервар
Гашпар Драгфи
birth: 1516
marriage: Anna Bathory
death: 25 January 1545
Миклош Батори
birth: about 1520
marriage: Фружина Лошонци (Батори)
death: 17 December 1584, Эчед
Ursula Kanizsay
birth: 1521
marriage: Thomas III Nádasdy
death: 1571, Sárvár, Ungarn
Elizabeth Báthory (The Blood Countess)
birth: 7 August 1560, Nyírbátor, Szatmár County, Hungary
marriage: Ferenc Nádasdy de Nádasd et Fogarasföld , Varannó
death: 21 August 1614, Čachtice, Hungary, then called : Csejte (now in Slovakia)
== 3 ==
Anna Nádasdy
birth: 1585
marriage: Nikola VI Zrinski , Чепрег
death: 13 August 1615
Ursula Nádasdy
birth: 1586
Andrew Nádasdy
birth: 1594
Paul Nádasdy de Nádasd et Fogarasföld
birth: 1598
marriage: Judith Forgách (de Ghymes)
death: 15 October 1633, Sárvár, или
death: 4 January 1650
Georg Drugeth von Homonna
birth: 1583
marriage: Katherine Nádasdy , Burg Čachtice
death: 1620
Katherine Nádasdy
birth: about 1594
marriage: Georg Drugeth von Homonna , Burg Čachtice
== 3 ==
Янош Другет
birth: 1609
death: 22 November 1645
Дьёрдь Другет
birth: 8 June 1633
death: 9 October 1661

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