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Audoflède de Francie b. about 470 d. after 526
From Rodovid EN
Lineage | Mérovingiens |
Sex | Female |
Full name (at birth) | Audoflède de Francie |
♂ Childeric I ? (Childericus) [Merovingian] b. estimated 436 d. 26 December 481 ♀ Basina of Thuringia [?] b. estimated 445 d. about 491 | |
Wiki-page | wikipedia:fr:Audoflède |
Reference numbers | GEDCOM::AugustaGall.ged::INDI @I3228@::SylvainComte |
about 470 birth:
about 493 marriage: ♂ Teodorico el Grande [Amal] b. between 451 and 456 d. 30 August 526
495 child birth: ♀ w Amalasutha [Amal] b. 495 d. 535
after 526 death:
From grandparents to grandchildren
== 3 ==
birth: about 466
religion: Pagan {{Histoire des Francs|Livre=II|Permalien=|Page=}}''"Dans ce temps, l’armée de Clovis pilla un grand nombre d’églises, parce que ce prince était encore plongé dans un culte idolâtre"''.
title: between 481 and 482, King of the Franks
military service: between 486 and 487, Soissons, Victory over [[Person:858755|Syagrius]]
marriage: ♀ Clotilde of Burgundy , Soissons
military service: 496, Zülpich, Battle of Tolbiac
baptism: 25 December 498, Reims
military service: 507, Vouillé (Vienne), Battle of Vouillé
title: 508, honorary consul
title: 509, King of the Rhineland Franks
death: 27 November 511, Paris
burial: after 27 November 511, Paris, basilica of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (Saint Genevieve)
religion: Pagan {{Histoire des Francs|Livre=II|Permalien=|Page=}}''"Dans ce temps, l’armée de Clovis pilla un grand nombre d’églises, parce que ce prince était encore plongé dans un culte idolâtre"''.
title: between 481 and 482, King of the Franks
military service: between 486 and 487, Soissons, Victory over [[Person:858755|Syagrius]]
marriage: ♀ Clotilde of Burgundy , Soissons
military service: 496, Zülpich, Battle of Tolbiac
baptism: 25 December 498, Reims
military service: 507, Vouillé (Vienne), Battle of Vouillé
title: 508, honorary consul
title: 509, King of the Rhineland Franks
death: 27 November 511, Paris
burial: after 27 November 511, Paris, basilica of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (Saint Genevieve)
birth: between 451 and 456
title: from 470 - 526, Rey de los ostrogodos
title: 484, Cónsul del Imperio Bizantino
marriage: ♀ w Audoflède de Francie
title: from 493 - 526, король Италии
death: 30 August 526, Равенна, Италия
title: from 470 - 526, Rey de los ostrogodos
title: 484, Cónsul del Imperio Bizantino
marriage: ♀ w Audoflède de Francie
title: from 493 - 526, король Италии
death: 30 August 526, Равенна, Италия
== 3 ==
♂ Eutharic
marriage: ♀ N. /Eutharich Frau/ ? (Eutarchs)
marriage: ♀ w Amalasutha
death: 522, King of the Gepidii
marriage: ♀ w Amalasutha
death: 522, King of the Gepidii