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Galindo Garcés

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Lineage Belascotenes
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Galindo Garcés

Nunila de Pamplona Íñiguez [Íñiga]

García I Galíndez [Belascotenes] d. 833

Wiki-page wikipedia:ru:Галиндо Гарсес


marriage: Guldregut Núñez [Núñez] b. between 800 and 860

between 833 and 844 title: Marca Hispánica, Conde de Aragón


см.также wikipedia:es:Galindo Garcés

Galindo I Garcés, Conde de Aragón - по

From grandparents to grandchildren

Mutarrif ? (ibn Musa)
caste: Pampelune, wali de Pampelune
death: 799
Íñigo Arista Íñiguez
birth: 781, Córdoba (Andalusia), Al-Andalus
title: Count of Bigorra
title: Count of Sobrarbe
marriage: Oneca Velázquez
title: between 820 and 852, Pamplona, King of Pamplona, 1°
death: 870
birth: between 688 and 788
marriage: Galindo Belascotenes
García Íñiguez
birth: calculated 805
marriage: Leodegundia
title: between 842 and 870, Rey de Pamplona
death: 882
Galindo Íñiguez de Pamplona
death: 851, Córdoba, Al-Andalús
García I Galíndez
marriage: Matrona Aznárez
marriage: Nunila de Pamplona Íñiguez
title: between 820 and 833, Marca Hispánica, Conde de Aragón
death: 833
== 3 ==
Velasco Garcés
death: 842
Guldregut Núñez
birth: between 800 and 860
marriage: Galindo Garcés
Galindo Garcés
marriage: Guldregut Núñez
title: between 833 and 844, Marca Hispánica, Conde de Aragón
== 3 ==

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