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Joan de Geneville b. 2 February 1285 d. 13 October 1356

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Lineage Geneville
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Joan de Geneville

Joan de La Marche [Lusignan] b. 1260 d. before 18 April 1323

Peter Geneville [Geneville] d. before 8 June 1292


2 February 1285 birth: Ludlow, Shropshire

child birth: Maude Mortimer [Mortimer]

child birth: Edmund Mortimer [Mortimer] d. 1331

1314 child birth: Ludlow, Shropshire, Ludlow Castle, Catherine Mortimer [Mortimer] b. 1314 d. between 4 August 1369 and 6 September 1369

about 1317 child birth: Geoffroy de Mortemer [Mortemer] b. about 1317

13 October 1356 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Hugues XII de Lusignan
birth: 1238, Tunis
title: comte de la Marche
death: 1270
Simon II de Joinville
birth: 1227
title: Seigneur de Gex et de Marnay
occupation: Chroniqueur de Saint Louis
marriage: Léonette de Gex (Léonette de Genève)
death: 3 August 1276
Agnès de Faucigny
birth: 1215
title: Comtesse consort de Savoie
marriage: w Pierre II de Savoie , Châtillon-sur-Cluses (74)
death: 11 October 1268, Virignin (01), Château de Pierre-Châtel
Beatrix de Faucigny
birth: about 1205, Faucigny (74)
title: Dame d'Aubonne (1271), d'Hermance, de Commugny et de Coppet (Suisse) Maison de Genève
marriage: Étienne II de Thoire et Villars , Faucigny (74)
death: 15 March 1276, Matafelon-Granges (01), Thoire
Geoffrey Geneville ((Lord Trim))
birth: about 1225
title: seigneur de Vaucouleurs
title: Baron de Trim
title: Baron de Geneville
marriage: Mathilde de Lacy (Pontefract)
death: 21 October 1314
burial: Trim (Comté de Meath)
Aveline FitzJohn (Lutegareshale)
birth: 1230, England, Shere, Surrey, England
title: of Essex
marriage: Walter de Burgh
death: 20 May 1274
burial: Dunmow Priory, Eire
Joan de La Marche
birth: 1260
death: before 18 April 1323
Peter Geneville
death: before 8 June 1292
== 3 ==
Roger Mortimer (1st Earl of March)
birth: 25 April 1287
death: 29 November 1330
Joan de Geneville
birth: 2 February 1285, Ludlow, Shropshire
death: 13 October 1356
== 3 ==
Thomas Beauchamp
birth: 14 February 1312, London, Middlesex (England)
title: comte de Warwick
marriage: Catherine Mortimer
death: 13 November 1369, Calais, France
burial: Warwick (Angleterre)
Catherine Mortimer
birth: 1314, Ludlow, Shropshire, Ludlow Castle
marriage: Thomas Beauchamp
death: between 4 August 1369 and 6 September 1369
Elizabeth Badlesmere
birth: 1313
death: 8 June 1356
Edmund Mortimer
death: 1331
John Cherlton (Lord Powys)
title: 2nd Lord Powys
death: before 13 August 1360
Geoffroy de Mortemer
birth: about 1317
Thomas Beauchamp
birth: before 16 March 1338, Warwick (England), Warwickshire, England
title: Warwick (Angleterre), comte de Warwick
death: 8 April 1401, London, Middlesex (England)
Humphrey Bohun
birth: 1342
title: 7th Earl of Hereford
title: 6th Earl of Essex
title: 2nd Earl of Northampton
death: 16 January 1373
Roger Mortimer (2nd Earl of March)
birth: 11 November 1328
death: 26 February 1360
John Cherlton (Lord Powys)
birth: 1334
title: 3rd Lord Powys
death: 13 July 1374
Hugh Stafford
title: comte de Stafford,2nd
marriage: Philippa Beauchamp
death: 1386
Philippa Beauchamp
birth: before 1 March 1351
marriage: Hugh Stafford
death: before 6 April 1386
Joan FitzAlan
birth: 1375
marriage: William Beauchamp
death: 14 November 1435
burial: Hereford (Royaume-Uni)
William Beauchamp
birth: 1343
title: baron Bergavenny
marriage: Joan FitzAlan
death: 8 January 1411
burial: Hereford (Royaume-Uni), cathédrale de Hereford

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