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Anne Neville b. 11 June 1456 d. 16 March 1485

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Lineage Neville
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Anne Neville

Richard Neville [Neville] b. 22 November 1428 d. 14 April 1471

Anne Beauchamp [Beauchamp] b. 13 July 1426 d. 20 September 1492


11 June 1456 birth: Warwick (England), Warwick Castle

December 1470 marriage: Edward Plantagenet [Lancaster] b. 13 October 1453 d. 4 May 1471

13 December 1470 title: Amboise (37), Princesse de Galles

1472 title: Duchesse de Gloucester

between 1473 and 1476 child birth: Миддлгем, w Эдуард Миддлгемский [Йорки] b. between 1473 and 1476 d. April 1484

1474 marriage: Richard III Plantagenet (York) [York] b. 2 October 1452 d. 22 August 1485

26 June 1483 title: Londres, Angleterre, Reine d'Angleterre et Dame d'Irlande

6 July 1483 other: Londres, Sacre

16 March 1485 death: Londres, Angleterre


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From grandparents to grandchildren

Cecily Neville
birth: 3 May 1415
marriage: Richard Plantagenet
title: 1424, Duchesse d'York
marriage: 1424
death: 31 May 1495, Y
Eleanor Neville
birth: 1407, Raby Castle, County Durham, England
marriage: Henry Percy
death: 1472, St. Albans (England), Hertfordshire
Edward Neville
birth: 1417, Raby Castle, Staindrop, County Durham, England
marriage: w Elizabeth Beauchamp
death: 18 October 1476, Abergavenny, Monmouth, England, Priory Church
Philippa Neville
marriage: Thomas Dacre
death: between 8 July 1453 and 5 January 1458
Anne Neville (Duchess of Buckingham)
birth: about 1411
death: 20 December 1480
George Neville
birth: baron Latimer
marriage: Élisabeth de Beauchamp
death: 30 December 1469
Richard Neville
birth: 1400, Raby Castle, County Durham, England
marriage: Alice Montague
title: 1428, Earl of Salisbury, 5th
death: 31 December 1460, Executed
Anne Mortimer
birth: 27 December 1390
marriage: Richard of Conisburgh Plantagenet
title: May 1406, Comtesse de Cambridge
death: 21 September 1411, Y
Joyce Cherlton
birth: 1395
birth: 1442
Alice Montague
birth: 1407
title: comtesse de Salisbury
marriage: Richard Neville
death: before 9 December 1462
Richard Beauchamp
birth: 28 January 1381, Warwick (England)
title: Earl Warwick
title: Earl Albemarle
title: Count Aumale
marriage: w Isabel le Despenser
death: 30 April 1439, Rouen, France
Eleanor Neville
birth: 1438, Salisbury (England)
marriage: Thomas Stanley , Huyton, Lancashire (England), Knowsley
death: 1504
burial: London, England, St. James Garlickhith
Alice Neville
birth: 1430, Wessex
marriage: Henry FitzHugh
death: 22 November 1503
Richard Neville
birth: 22 November 1428
title: Warwick (Angleterre), comte de Warwick
marriage: Anne Beauchamp
death: 14 April 1471, Y
Eleanor Beauchamp
birth: 16 September 1407, Walthamstow, Essex (England)
death: before 6 March 1466, England, Chapel Beauchamp, Saint Mary's, Warwickshire,
Elizabeth Beauchamp
birth: 16 September 1415
marriage: Edward Neville
death: 18 June 1448
Anne Beauchamp
birth: 13 July 1426
marriage: Richard Neville
death: 20 September 1492
== 3 ==
Isabel Neville
birth: 5 September 1451, Warwick Castle
marriage: George Plantagenet , Calais
death: 22 December 1476, Warwick Castle
Edward Plantagenet
birth: 13 October 1453, Prince of Wales
title: from 13 October 1453 - 1471, Duke of Cornwall
title: from 15 March 1454 - 4 May 1471, принц Уэльский
title: from 15 March 1454 - 4 May 1471, граф Честер
marriage: Anne Neville
death: 4 May 1471, in battle
Richard III Plantagenet (York)
birth: 2 October 1452
marriage: Anne Neville
title: from 26 June 1483 - 1485, Londres, Angleterre, Roi d'Angleterre et Seigneur d'Irlande
other: 6 July 1483, Londres, Angleterre, Sacre
death: 22 August 1485
burial: 26 March 2015, Leicester Cathedral (re-interred, 26 March 2015)
Anne Neville
birth: 11 June 1456, Warwick (England), Warwick Castle
marriage: Edward Plantagenet
title: 13 December 1470, Amboise (37), Princesse de Galles
title: 1472, Duchesse de Gloucester
marriage: Richard III Plantagenet (York)
title: 26 June 1483, Londres, Angleterre, Reine d'Angleterre et Dame d'Irlande
other: 6 July 1483, Londres, Sacre
death: 16 March 1485, Londres, Angleterre
== 3 ==
Эдуард Миддлгемский
birth: between 1473 and 1476, Миддлгем
title: from 15 February 1478 - April 1484, граф Солсбери
title: from 26 June 1483 - April 1484, герцог Корнуольский
title: from 24 August 1483 - April 1484, Лондон, принц Уэльский
title: from 24 August 1483 - April 1484, граф Честер
death: April 1484, Миддлгем

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