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Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano b. 15 September 1972
From Rodovid EN
Lineage | Ortiz |
Sex | Female |
Full name (at birth) | Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano |
Parents | |
Wiki-page | wikipedia:fr:Letizia Ortiz |
15 September 1972 birth: Oviedo
7 August 1998 marriage: ♂ Alonso Guerrero [Guerrero]
1999 divorce: ♂ Alonso Guerrero [Guerrero]
22 May 2004 title: Madrid, Princesse des Asturies
24 May 2004 marriage: Madrid, ♂ Felipe VI of Spain [Bourbon-Anjou] b. 30 January 1968
31 October 2005 child birth: Мадрид, Испания, ♀ Леонора Испанская [Испанские Бурбоны] b. 31 October 2005
29 April 2007 child birth: Madrid, Spanien, ♀ Sofía de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz [Bourbon-Anjou] b. 29 April 2007
2 June 2014 title: Madrid, Reine d'Espagne
From grandparents to grandchildren
== 3 ==
birth: 30 January 1968, Madrid, Spain
title: from 30 January 1968 - 22 January 1977, Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold
title: from 22 November 1977 - 19 June 2014, Prince of Asturias
marriage: ♀ Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano , Madrid
title: from 19 June 2014 -, Madrid, Spain, King of Spain
title: from 30 January 1968 - 22 January 1977, Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold
title: from 22 November 1977 - 19 June 2014, Prince of Asturias
marriage: ♀ Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano , Madrid
title: from 19 June 2014 -, Madrid, Spain, King of Spain
== 3 ==