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Felipe VI of Spain b. 30 January 1968

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Lineage Bourbon-Anjou
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Felipe VI of Spain
Other given names Felipe Juan Pablo Alfonso de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Grecia

Juan Carlos Bourbon [Bourbon-Anjou] b. 5 January 1938

Sophia de Grèce [Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderbourg-Glücksbourg] b. 2 November 1938

Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Felipe VI


30 January 1968 birth: Madrid, Spain

from 30 January 1968 - 22 January 1977 title: Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold

from 22 November 1977 - 19 June 2014 title: Prince of Asturias

24 May 2004 marriage: Madrid, Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano [Ortiz] b. 15 September 1972

31 October 2005 child birth: Мадрид, Испания, Леонора Испанская [Испанские Бурбоны] b. 31 October 2005

29 April 2007 child birth: Madrid, Spanien, Sofía de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz [Bourbon-Anjou] b. 29 April 2007

from 19 June 2014 - title: Madrid, Spain, King of Spain


From grandparents to grandchildren

Jaime de Borbón y Battenberg
birth: 23 June 1908, Real Sitio de San Ildefonso
title: 23 June 1908, Infant von Spanien
title: 1933, Herzog von Segovia
marriage: Emmanuelle de Dampierre , Rome
divorce: Emmanuelle de Dampierre
marriage: Charlotte Thiedemann , Innsbruck
death: 20 March 1975, St. Gallen
Alfonso de España (de Battenberg)
birth: 10 May 1907, Madrid, España
title: 10 May 1907, Madrid, Prince des Asturies
marriage: w Edelmira de Sampedro-Ocejo y Robato
title: 1933, Renonce au trône et devient Comte de Covadonga
divorce: w Edelmira de Sampedro-Ocejo y Robato
marriage: w Marta Rocafort y Altuzarra
divorce: w Marta Rocafort y Altuzarra
death: 6 September 1938, Miami
Beatrix Isabel de Borbón y Battenberg
birth: 22 June 1909, Real Sitio de San Ildefonso
marriage: Alessandro Torlonia de Civitella-Cesi , Rome
death: 22 November 2002, Rome
Maria Cristina de Borbón y Battenberg
birth: 12 December 1911, Madrid, Spanien
marriage: Enrico Marone-Cinzano , Roma, Italia
death: 23 December 1996, Madrid, Spanien
Don Gonzalo de España (de Borbón y Battenberg)
birth: 24 October 1914, Madrid, España
death: 13 August 1934, Krumpendorf, Austria
Fernado de Borbón y Battenberg
birth: 21 May 1910
death: 21 May 1910
Roger Levêque de Vilmorin
birth: 12 September 1905, Verrières-le-Buisson (91)
marriage: Pauline Roissard de Bellet
marriage: Edith Lowther
death: 20 July 1980, Verrières-le-Buisson (91)
John Charles Theresa Sylvester Alphonso Bourbon (Barcelona)
birth: 20 June 1913, Real Sitio de San Ildefonso, Spain
title: 1933, Prince des Asturies
marriage: Maria de la Mercedes Christine Januaria Bourbon-Two Sicilies (Tancredi) , Rome, Italy
title: 15 January 1941, Rome, Comte de Barcelone
death: 1 April 1993, Pamplona, Spain
Maria de los Dolores Bourbon Two Sicilies
birth: 15 November 1909, Madrid, Spain
title: 12 August 1937, Lausanne, Princesse Czartoryski
marriage: Józef August Antoni Maria Pius Czartoryski , Lausanne, Switzerland
marriage: Carlos Chias Osorio , Sivigliano
death: 11 May 1996, Madrid, Spain
Alfonso Bourbon-Two Sicilies y Borbón
birth: 30 November 1901, Madrid
title: 30 November 1901, Infante of Spain, Duke of Calabria
marriage: Аличе Мария Тереза Франческа Луиза Пия Анна Валерия Бурбон-Пармская , Wien, Österreich
death: 3 February 1964, Madrid
Carlos de Borbón Dos Sicilias
birth: 5 September 1908, Madrid, Spanien
death: 27 September 1936, Spanien
María de la Esperanza de Borbón Dos Sicilias (de Borbón-Dos Sicilias y Orléans)
birth: 14 June 1914, Madrid, Spanien
marriage: Pedro Gastão von Orléans-Braganza , Sevilla, España
title: 18 December 1944, Sevilla, Princesse d'Orléans-Bragance
death: 8 August 2005, Villamanrique de la Condesa, Spanien
Fernando de Borbón Dos Sicilias
birth: 6 March 1903, Madrid, España
death: 4 August 1905, España
Изабелла Бурбон-Сицилийская
birth: 10 October 1904, Мадрид, Испания
marriage: Jan Zamoyski , Madrid, España
death: 18 July 1985, Мадрид, Испания
Maria de la Mercedes Christine Januaria Bourbon-Two Sicilies (Tancredi)
birth: 23 December 1910, Madrid, Spain
marriage: John Charles Theresa Sylvester Alphonso Bourbon (Barcelona) , Rome, Italy
title: 12 October 1935, Princess of Two Sicilies
death: 2 January 2000, Lanzarote, Spain
birth: 2 May 1896, Athens (Greece)
marriage: Carol II Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen , Athens (Greece)
title: 10 March 1921, Athènes, Princesse héritière de Roumanie
divorce: Carol II Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
title: 8 June 1930, Sinaia, Reine de Roumanie
death: 28 November 1982, Lausanne, Switzerland
George II of the Hellenes
birth: 19 July 1890, Athens (Greece), Attica (Greece), Kingdom of Greece, Tatoi Palace
marriage: Elizabeth Charlotte Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen , Bucharest, Romania
title: from 11 January 1923 - 25 March 1924, King of the Hellenes
title: from 1935 - 1941, König von Griechenland
divorce: Elizabeth Charlotte Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen , Athen, Griechenland
title: from 1946 - 1947, König von Griechenland
death: 1 April 1947, Athens (Greece), Attica (Greece), Kingdom of Greece
Alexander I of the Hellenes
birth: 1 August 1893, Athens (Greece), Attica (Greece), Kingdom of Greece, Tatoi Palace
title: from 10 June 1917 - 25 October 1920, King of the Hellenes
marriage: Aspasia Manos , Athens (Greece), Attica (Greece), Kingdom of Greece, Tatoi Palace
death: 25 October 1920, Athens (Greece), Attica (Greece), Kingdom of Greece
Ирен Греческая
birth: 13 February 1904, Афины, Греция
marriage: Aimone di Savoia-Aosta , Florence
title: 1 July 1939, Принцесса Греции и Дании
title: 18 May 1941, Герцогиня Сполето
title: 3 March 1942, Королева Хорватии
death: 15 April 1974, Фьезоле, Италия
Ekaterini de Grèce
birth: 4 May 1913, Athènes
title: 21 April 1947, Athènes, Lady Brandram
marriage: w Richard Brandram , Athènes
death: 2 October 2007, Marlow, Royaume-Uni
Paul I Oldenburg
birth: 14 December 1901, Tatoï, Greece
marriage: Fredericka Hanover (Hellenes) , Athènes
title: 1 April 1947, King of Greece
death: 6 March 1964, Tatoï, Greece
George Hanover
birth: 25 March 1915, Braunschweig, Lower Saxony, Germany
marriage: Sophia of Greece and Denmark , Salem (Baden-Württemberg)
title: 30 January 1953, Prince of Great Britain and Ireland, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg
death: 8 January 2006, Munich, Germany
Christian Oscar Ernest Augustus William Hanover
birth: 1 September 1919, Gmunden, Austria
marriage: Mireille Dutry , Autriche
divorce: Mireille Dutry
death: 10 December 1981, Lausanne, Switzerland
Welf-Henry Ernest Augustus George Hanover
birth: 11 March 1923, Gmunden, Austria
marriage: w Alexandra zu Ysenburg und Büdingen , Gmunden
death: 12 July 1997, Francfort-sur-le-Main
Ernest Augustus Hanover
birth: 18 March 1914
marriage: Ortrud von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg , Nordstemmen
title: 30 January 1953, Hanovre, Prince héritier de Hanovre
marriage: Monika de Solms-Laubach , Nordstemmen
death: 9 December 1987
Fredericka Hanover (Hellenes)
birth: 18 April 1917, Blankenburg (Harz), Lower Saxony, Germany
marriage: Paul I Oldenburg , Athènes
title: 9 January 1938, Athènes, Princesse de Grèce
title: 1 April 1947, Athènes, Reine de Grèce
death: 6 February 1981, Madrid, Spain
María del Pilar de España
birth: 30 July 1936, Herzogin von Badajoz
marriage: Luis Gómez-Acebo y Duque de Estrada , Lissabon, Portugal
Margarita de España
birth: 6 March 1939, Рим, Италия
marriage: w Carlos Zurita y Delgado , Estoril
title: 27 May 1981, Madrid, Duchesse de Soria
title: 23 June 1981, Madrid, Duchesse de Hernani
Alfonso de España
birth: 3 October 1941, Рим, Италия
death: 29 March 1956, Эшторил, Португалия
Juan Carlos Bourbon
birth: 5 January 1938, Rome
title: Grootlint in de Leopoldsorde
title: 1961, Madrid, Prince d'Espagne
marriage: Sophia de Grèce , Athen
title: from 1975 - 2014, König von Spanien
title: 22 November 1975, Madrid, Koning van Spanje
other: 2 June 2014, Madrid, Troonsafstand
Constantine II
birth: 2 June 1940, Athens (Greece), Attica (Greece), Kingdom of Greece, Psychiko
title: 6 March 1964, King of the Hellenes, last
marriage: Anne-Marie , Athens (Greece), Attica (Greece), Kingdom of Greece, Mitropolis
other: 1 June 1973, Athènes, Déposition
death: 10 January 2023, Athens (Greece)
birth: 11 May 1942, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Sophia de Grèce
birth: 2 November 1938, Athènes
marriage: Juan Carlos Bourbon , Athen
title: 14 May 1962, Athènes, Princesse d'Espagne
title: 22 November 1975, Madrid, Reine d'Espagne
== 3 ==
Elena de Borbón y Grecia
birth: 20 December 1963, Madrid, España
title: Grootlint in de Leopoldsorde
title: 3 March 1995, Duquesa de Lugo
marriage: Jaime de Marichalar , Barcelone
other: Jaime de Marichalar , Madrid, Séparation
divorce: Jaime de Marichalar , Madrid
Cristina von Spanien
birth: 13 June 1965, Madrid
title: Grootlint in de Leopoldsorde
title: 4 October 1997, Herzogin von Palma de Mallorca
marriage: Iñaki Urdangarin , Barcelone
Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano
birth: 15 September 1972, Oviedo
marriage: Alonso Guerrero
divorce: Alonso Guerrero
title: 22 May 2004, Madrid, Princesse des Asturies
marriage: Felipe VI of Spain , Madrid
title: 2 June 2014, Madrid, Reine d'Espagne
Felipe VI of Spain
birth: 30 January 1968, Madrid, Spain
title: from 30 January 1968 - 22 January 1977, Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold
title: from 22 November 1977 - 19 June 2014, Prince of Asturias
marriage: Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano , Madrid
title: from 19 June 2014 -, Madrid, Spain, King of Spain
== 3 ==
Леонора Испанская
birth: 31 October 2005, Мадрид, Испания
baptism: 7 May 2006, Инфанта Испании
title: 19 June 2014, Мадрид, Испания, Принцесса Астурийская
Sofía de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz
birth: 29 April 2007, Madrid, Spanien

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