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Charles Vladimir de Yougoslavie b. 21 March 1964

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Lineage Karađorđević
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Charles Vladimir de Yougoslavie
Other given names Karl Vladimir Cyril Andrej

Andreas Karageorgevic (of Yugoslavia) [Karađorđević] b. 28 June 1929 d. 7 May 1990

Kira de Linange [Linange] b. 18 July 1930 d. 24 September 2005


21 March 1964 birth: Londres

18 April 2000 marriage: Londres, Brigitte Müller [Müller] b. 7 July 1956

18 June 2001 child birth: Deutschland, Cyrille de Yougoslavie [Karađorđević] b. 18 June 2001 d. 18 June 2001

From grandparents to grandchildren

Елена Петровна Сербская
birth: 4 November 1884, Цетине, Черногория
title: from 4 November 1884 - 21 August 1911, Принцесса Сербская
marriage: Iwan Konstantinowitsch Romanow , Петергоф, Санкт-Петербург, Россия, 3 сентября по ст. ст.
title: from 21 August 1911 -, Великая княгиня
death: 16 October 1962, Ницца, Франция
Милена Карагеоргиевич
birth: 28 April 1886
death: 21 December 1887
Георгий Карагеоргиевич
birth: 8 September 1887, Serbien, Река
marriage: Радмила Радоњић (Радонич) , Година : 192
death: 17 October 1972, Belgrad
Alexander I Karađorđević (King of Yugoslavia)
birth: 16 December 1888, Cetinje
title: from 1903 - 16 August 1921, Duke of Serbia
title: from 1914 - 1918, Prince héritier de Serbie
title: from 1918 - 1921, Prince héritier des Serbes, des Croates et des Slovènes
title: from 16 August 1921 - 6 January 1929, King of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes
marriage: Mary Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
title: from 6 January 1929 - 9 October 1934, King of Yugoslavia
death: 9 October 1934, Marseille, assassinated
Carol II Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 15 October 1893
marriage: w Joanna Marie Valentina Lambrino , Odessa
annulment: w Joanna Marie Valentina Lambrino
marriage: w Elena , Athens (Greece)
divorce: w Elena
title: from 8 June 1930 - 6 September 1940, King of Romania
death: 4 April 1953, Portugal
Elizabeth Charlotte Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 12 October 1894, Sinaia, Romania
title: 27 February 1921, Cannes, France
marriage: George II of the Hellenes , Bucharest, Romania
title: 11 January 1923, Palermo, Reine de Grèce
divorce: George II of the Hellenes , Athen, Griechenland
death: 14 November 1956, Cannes
Nicholas Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 18 August 1903, Sinaia, Romania
title: Grootlint in de Leopoldsorde
title: from 18 August 1903 -, Prince de Roumanie
marriage: Jeanne Dumitrescu-Dolete , Rumänien
marriage: Thereza Lisboa y Figueira de Mello
death: 9 June 1978, Madrid, Spain
Helen Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 5 January 1909, Bucharest, Romania
title: 26 September 1931, Salzburg, Princesse de Toscane et Archiduchesse d'Autriche
marriage: Anthony Maria Francis Leopold Blanka Habsburg , Salzburg
divorce: Anthony Maria Francis Leopold Blanka Habsburg
marriage: Stefan Nikolas Issarescu , Newton (Massachusetts), USA
divorce: Stefan Nikolas Issarescu
death: 21 January 1991, Youngstown (Ohio)
Mircea Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 3 January 1913, Bucharest, Romania
death: 2 November 1916, Buftea, Romania
Mary Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
birth: 6 January 1900, Gotha, Thuringia, Germany
title: from 6 January 1900 - 8 June 1922, принцесса Румынии
marriage: Alexander I Karađorđević (King of Yugoslavia)
title: from 8 June 1922 - 6 January 1929, королева Сербии, Хорватии и Словении
title: from 6 January 1929 - 1945, королева Югославии
death: 22 June 1961, London, England
Kira Cyrillovna Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov
birth: 9 May 1909, Paris, France
title: Großfürstin von Rußland
title: from 1924 - 1938, Kronprinzessin
marriage: LouisFerdinand Victor Edward Albert Hohenzollern , Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany
death: 8 September 1967, Saint-Briac-sur-Mer, France
Vladimir Romanov (Cyrillovitch)
birth: 30 August 1917, Porvoo, Finland, (Borgå)
title: 1938, Vorsitz der Familie Romanow
marriage: Leonida Gueorguievna Bagration-Moukhranskaïa , Lausanne, Switzerland
death: 21 April 1992
Elizabeth Hesse-Darmstadt (Hesse-Darmstadt)
birth: 11 March 1895, Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany
death: 16 November 1903, Skierniewice, Poland
Ne von Hessen-Darmstadt
birth: 1900
death: 1900
Mariya Kirillovna Romanov
birth: 20 January 1907, Coburg, Bavaria, Germany
title: from 20 January 1907 - 1924, Княжна Императорской крови
title: from 1924 - 25 November 1925, Великая Княжна
marriage: Friedrich Karl Eduard Erwin VI Fürst zu Leiningen
title: from 25 November 1925 - 18 July 1939, Принцесса Лейнингенская
title: from 18 July 1939 - 2 August 1946, Княгиня Лейнингенская
title: from 2 August 1946 - 25 October 1951, Вдовствующая Княгиня Лейнингенская
death: 25 October 1951, Madrid, Spain
Viktoria zu Leiningen
birth: 12 May 1895, Amorbach
marriage: Maximilian Ludwig zu Solms-Rödelheim und Assenheim
death: 9 February 1973, Schloss Assenheim
Hesso Leopold Heinrich zu Leiningen
birth: 23 July 1903, Amorbach
marriage: Marie-Louise Agathe von Nesselrode-Ehreshoven
death: 19 June 1967, Kreuth, Bayern, Pförn
Friedrich Karl Eduard Erwin VI Fürst zu Leiningen
birth: 13 February 1898, Straßburg (Austria)
title: Prince régnant de Linange
marriage: Mariya Kirillovna Romanov
death: 2 August 1946, Saransk, Russia
Peter II of Serbia
birth: 6 September 1923, Belgrade, Serbia
title: 1934, King of Yugoslavia
marriage: Александра Датская и Греческая (Карагеоргиевич) , Londres
death: 3 November 1970, Los Angeles
Eva Andjelkovich
birth: 26 August 1926, Serbie
marriage: Andreas Karageorgevic (of Yugoslavia) , Palm Springs (California)
Christine Margarethe Hessen-Kassel
birth: 10 January 1933, Kronberg im Taunus
title: 1 August 1956, Kronberg im Taunus, Princesse de Yougoslavie
marriage: Andreas Karageorgevic (of Yugoslavia) , Kronberg im Taunus, Germany
divorce: Andreas Karageorgevic (of Yugoslavia)
marriage: Robert Floris van Eyck , London
death: 22 November 2011, Gersau
Andreas Karageorgevic (of Yugoslavia)
birth: 28 June 1929
marriage: Christine Margarethe Hessen-Kassel , Kronberg im Taunus, Germany
divorce: Christine Margarethe Hessen-Kassel
marriage: Kira de Linange , Kent
divorce: Kira de Linange
marriage: Eva Andjelkovich , Palm Springs (California)
death: 7 May 1990, Irvine (California)
Emich Cyril Ferdinand Hermann VII Fürst zu Leiningen
birth: 18 October 1926, Coburg, Bayern, Germany
title: Prince de Linange
marriage: Eilika von Oldenburg , Deutschland
death: 30 October 1991
Margarita zu Leiningen
birth: 9 May 1932, Coburg, Deutschland
title: Princesse de Linange
marriage: Friedrich Wilhelm von Hohenzollern , Sigmaringen, Deutschland, Civil
title: from 3 February 1951 - 6 February 1965, Princesse héritière de Hohenzollern
marriage: Friedrich Wilhelm von Hohenzollern , Amorbach, Bayern, Religieux
title: from 6 February 1965 - 16 June 1996, Princesse de Hohenzollern
death: 16 June 1996, Überlingen, Deutschland, Suizid
Charles de Linange
birth: 2 January 1928, Coburg, Deutschland
title: from 2 January 1928 - 28 September 1990, Prince de Linange
marriage: Marie-Louise Sakskoburggotska (Marie-Louise de Bulgarie) , Deutschland
divorce: Marie-Louise Sakskoburggotska (Marie-Louise de Bulgarie)
death: 28 September 1990, Israel
Mechtilde de Linange
birth: 2 January 1936, Deutschland
title: Princesse de Linange
marriage: Karl Anton Bauscher , Amorbach, Deutschland
Frédéric-Guillaume de Linange
birth: 18 June 1938, Deutschland
title: Prince de Linange
marriage: Karin Göss , Deutschland
divorce: Karin Göss
marriage: Helga Eschenbacher , Österreich
death: 31 August 1998, Österreich
Пётр Виктор фон Лейнинген
birth: 23 December 1942, Вюрцбург
title: from 23 December 1942 - 12 January 1943, Принц Лейнингенский
death: 12 January 1943, Вюрцбург, умер в младенчестве
Kira de Linange
birth: 18 July 1930
title: Princesse de Linange
marriage: Andreas Karageorgevic (of Yugoslavia) , Kent
title: 18 September 1963, Princesse de Yougoslavie
divorce: Andreas Karageorgevic (of Yugoslavia)
death: 24 September 2005, Londres, Royaume-Uni
== 3 ==
Christophe de Yougoslavie (Marko)
birth: 4 February 1960, Londres
death: 14 May 1994, Royaume-Uni
Dimitri de Yougoslavie
birth: 12 April 1965, Londres
Charles Vladimir de Yougoslavie
birth: 21 March 1964, Londres
marriage: Brigitte Müller , Londres
== 3 ==
Cyrille de Yougoslavie
birth: 18 June 2001, Deutschland
death: 18 June 2001, Deutschland

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