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Friedrich Christian b. 31 December 1893 d. 9 August 1968

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Lineage Wettin
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Friedrich Christian

Frederick Augustus Johann Ludwig Karl Gustav Gregor Philipp [Wettin] b. 28 May 1865 d. 18 February 1932

Luise Antoinette Maria Theresia Josepha Johanna Leopoldine Caroline Ferdinande Alice Ernestine of Tuscany [Habsburg-Tuscany] b. 2 December 1870 d. 23 March 1947


31 December 1893 birth: Dresden, Germany

title: Royal House of Saxony

16 June 1923 marriage: Regensburg, Bavaria, Elisabeth Helene Thurn and Taxis [Thurn and Taxis] b. 15 December 1903 d. 22 October 1976

31 January 1926 child birth: Regensburg, Bavaria, Prüfening Abbey, Maria Emmanuel of Saxony [Wettin] b. 31 January 1926 d. 23 July 2012

20 September 1928 child birth: Bad Wörishofen, Maria Josepha von Sachsen [Wettin] b. 20 September 1928

13 December 1929 child birth: Bad Wörishofen, Deutschland, Maria Anna Josepha von Sachsen [Wettin] b. 13 December 1929

from 1932 - 1968 title: Chef des Hauses Wettin

30 November 1934 child birth: Bamberg, Albrecht Joseph von Sachsen [Wettin] b. 30 November 1934 d. 6 October 2012

17 January 1936 child birth: Bamberg, Bavaria, Germany, Mathilde Maria Josepha Anna Xaveria Wettin [Wettin] b. 17 January 1936

9 August 1968 death: Samedan, Switzerland

burial: Brennbichl, Austria, Königskapelle

From grandparents to grandchildren

Antónia of Portugal (Braganza-Saxe-Coburg-Gotha)
birth: 17 February 1845, Lisbon (Portugal), Portugal
title: princess of Portugal
marriage: Leopold of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
title: from 12 September 1861 - 27 December 1913, princess of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
death: 27 December 1913, Sigmaringen
Luís I Filipe Maria Fernando Pedro de Alcântara António Miguel Rafael Gabriel Gonzaga Xavier Francisco de Assis João Augusto Júlio Valfando Braganza-Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (of Portugal)
birth: 31 October 1838, Lisbon (Portugal), Portugal
title: from 11 November 1861 - 19 October 1889, King of Portugal and the Algarves
marriage: Maria Pia von Savoyen
death: 19 October 1889, Cascais, Portugal
Peter V von Portugal
birth: 16 September 1837, Lissabon, Portugal
title: from 15 November 1853 - 11 November 1861, König von Portugal
marriage: Stephanie von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
death: 11 November 1861, Lissabon, Portugal
Maria Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
birth: 4 October 1840
death: 4 October 1840
Johann Maria von Portugal
birth: 16 March 1842, Lissabon, Portugal
title: Герцог Бежа
death: 27 December 1861, Lissabon, Portugal
Fernando Maria Luís Braganza-Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
birth: 23 July 1846, Lisbon (Portugal), Portugal
death: 6 November 1861, Lisbon (Portugal), Portugal
Leopoldo de Bragança Bourbon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
birth: 1849, Lisbonne, Portugal
death: 1849, Lisbonne, Portugal
Maria da Glória de Bragança Bourbon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
birth: 1851, Lisbonne, Portugal
death: 1851, Lisbonne, Portugal
Eugénio de Bragança Bourbon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
birth: 1853, Lisbonne, Portugal
death: 1853, Lisbonne, Portugal
Augusto Maria Miguel Gabriel Rafael Agrícola Francisco de Assis Gonzaga Pedro de Alcântara Loiola de Saxe-Coburgo-Gota e Bragança
birth: 14 November 1847, Lisbon (Portugal), Portugal
title: Duke of Coimbra, Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece; Grand Cross of the Order da Torre e Espada; Grand Cross of the Order of the Immaculate Conception of Vila Viçosa
death: 29 September 1889, Lisbon (Portugal), Portugal
Maria Anna von Portugal
birth: 21 July 1843, Lissabon, Portugal
title: Infantin von Portugal
title: from 11 May 1859 -, Königin von Sachsen
marriage: Friedrich August Georg Ludwig Wilhelm Maximilian Karl Maria Nepomuk Baptist Xaver Cyriacus Romanus , Lisbon, Palais national de Belém
death: 5 February 1884, Dresden, Sachsen
Elizabeth of Saxony
birth: 4 February 1830, Dresden, Saxony
marriage: Ferdinand of Savoy , Dresden, Saxony, Dresden Cathedral
death: 14 August 1912, Stresa
Anna Maria de Saxe
birth: 4 January 1836, Dresde
title: 24 November 1856, Dresde, Grande-Duchesse héritière de Toscane
marriage: Ferdinando Salvatore Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Battista Francesco Lodovico Gonzaga Raffaele Ranerio Gennaro of Tuscany IV , Dresden
death: 10 February 1859, Naples
Marie Auguste Friederike von Sachsen
birth: 22 January 1827, Dresden, Sachsen
death: 8 October 1857, Dresden, Sachsen
Albert von Sachsen
birth: 23 April 1828, Dresden, Sachsen
marriage: Карола (Карола Фредерика Франциска Стефания Амалия Сесилия) Шведская , Dresden, Sachsen
title: from 1873 - 1902, König von Sachsen
death: 19 June 1902, Szczodre, Polen
Ernst von Sachsen
birth: 5 April 1831, Dresden, Sachsen
death: 12 May 1847
Sidonie von Sachsen
birth: 16 August 1834, Pillnitz, Deutschland
death: 1 March 1862, Dresden, Sachsen
Margaretha de Saxe
birth: 24 May 1840, Dresde, Allemagne
marriage: Karl Ludwig Joseph Maria of Austria , Dresden (Germany)
title: 4 November 1856, Dresde, Archiduchesse d'Autriche
death: 15 September 1858, Monza, Italie
Sophia de Saxe
birth: 15 March 1845, Dresde
marriage: Karl Theodor in Bavaria , Dresde
title: 11 February 1865, Dresde, Princesse héritière en Bavière
death: 9 March 1867, Munich
Friedrich August Georg Ludwig Wilhelm Maximilian Karl Maria Nepomuk Baptist Xaver Cyriacus Romanus
birth: 8 August 1832
marriage: Maria Anna von Portugal , Lisbon, Palais national de Belém
title: from 29 October 1873 - 19 June 1902, Kronprinz von Sachsen
title: from 19 June 1902 - 15 October 1904, König von Sachsen
death: 15 October 1904
Carlo Salvatore Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Battista Filippo Jacopo Gennaro Lodovico Gonzaga Raniero of Tuscany
birth: 30 April 1839, Florence (Italy)
title: 30 April 1839, Archduke and Prince Johann Salvator of Austria; Prince John Salvator of Hungary, Croatia, and Bohemia; Prince of Tuscany
marriage: Maria Immacolata Clementina of Bourbon-Two Sicilies , Rome, Italy
title: 30 April 1870, Vienna (Austria)
death: 18 January 1892, Vienna (Austria)
Auguste Ferdinande von Österreich
birth: 1 April 1825, Florenz, Italien
title: 15 April 1844, Erzherzogin von Österreich
marriage: Luitpold Karl Joseph Wilhelm Ludwig of Bavaria , Florence (Italy)
death: 26 April 1864, München, Bayern
Maria Isabella of Tuscany
birth: 21 May 1834
title: 10 April 1850
marriage: Francesco di Paola of the Two Sicilies
death: 14 July 1901, Lucerne
Johann Salvator von Österreich (Seit 1889 Johann Orth)
birth: 25 November 1852, Florenz, Toskana, Italien
death: 12 July 1890, Golf San Jorge, nahe Kap Tres Puntas, vermisst
Ludwig Salvator von Österreich
birth: 4 August 1847, Florenz, Toskana, Italien
death: 12 October 1915, Brandeis, Böhmen
Rainer von Österreich
birth: 1 May 1842
death: 14 August 1844
Maria Anne von Österreich
birth: 9 June 1840
death: 13 August 1841
Maria Christine von Österreich
birth: 5 February 1838
death: 1 September 1849
Maria Theresia von Österreich
birth: 29 June 1836
death: 5 August 1838
Maximiliane von Österreich
birth: 9 January 1827
death: 18 May 1834
Karoline von Österreich
birth: 19 November 1822
death: 5 October 1841
Ferdinando Salvatore Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Battista Francesco Lodovico Gonzaga Raffaele Ranerio Gennaro of Tuscany IV
birth: 10 June 1835, Italia, Fiorence (???)
marriage: Anna Maria de Saxe , Dresden
title: 21 July 1859, Grand Duke of Tuscany
other: 22 March 1860, Rome, Abdication
marriage: Alicia Maria Carolina Ferdinanda Rachael Giovanna Filomena , Florence (Italy)
death: 17 January 1908, Salzburg, Germany
Roberto I Carlo Luigi Maria di Borbone
birth: 9 July 1848, Florence (Italy)
title: from 27 March 1854 - 1860, Duke of Parma
other: 15 September 1859, Rome, Destitution
marriage: Maria Pia della Grazia of the Two Sicilies
marriage: Maria Antónia of Portugal , Bruck an der Großglocknerstraße, Schloss Fischhorn
death: 16 November 1907
Margarethe von Parma
birth: 1 January 1847, Lucca, Toskana, Italien
marriage: Carlos María de Borbón , Madrid
title: 4 February 1867, Madrid, Comtesse héritière de Montizon
title: 18 November 1887, Hove (Angleterre), Duchesse de Madrid
death: 29 January 1893, Viareggio, Toskana, Italien
Enrique de Bardi
birth: 1851
title: 27 March 1854, Parme, Comte de Bardi
marriage: Maria Luisa von Neapel-Sizilien , Cannes (06)
marriage: Adelgunde von Portugal , Salzburg
death: 1905
Marie Johanna Amalie Ferdinande Antonie de Saxe
birth: 19 June 1860
death: 2 March 1861
Mathilde Marie Auguste von Sachsen
birth: 19 March 1863, Dresden
death: 27 March 1933, Dresden
Maria Josepha de Saxe
birth: 31 May 1867, Dresde
marriage: Otto Franz Joseph Karl Ludwig Maria of Austria
title: 2 October 1886, Vienne (Autriche), Archiduchesse d'Autriche
death: 28 May 1944, Madère
Maximilian Wilhelm August Albert Karl Gregor Odo
birth: 17 November 1870
death: 12 January 1951
Albert Karl Anton Ludwig Wilhelm Viktor
birth: 25 February 1875
death: 16 September 1900
Frederick Augustus Johann Ludwig Karl Gustav Gregor Philipp
birth: 28 May 1865, Dresden, Germany
marriage: Luise Antoinette Maria Theresia Josepha Johanna Leopoldine Caroline Ferdinande Alice Ernestine of Tuscany , Dresden
title: from 19 June 1902 - 15 October 1904, Крон-принц Саксонии
other: Luise Antoinette Maria Theresia Josepha Johanna Leopoldine Caroline Ferdinande Alice Ernestine of Tuscany , Dresden, Séparation
divorce: Luise Antoinette Maria Theresia Josepha Johanna Leopoldine Caroline Ferdinande Alice Ernestine of Tuscany , Wien
title: from 1904 - 1932, Chef des Hauses Wettin
title: from 15 October 1904 - 13 November 1918, último Rei da Saxónia
death: 18 February 1932, Szczodre, Poland, then called : Sibyllenort
Peter Ferdinand von Österreich-Toskana
birth: 12 May 1874, Salzburg, Österreich
marriage: Maria Cristina Carolina Pia Carmela Giuseppa Antonia Anna Luitgarda Speranza Lucia Caterina Apollonia Cecilia Agata , Cannes
title: 1902, Sankt Gilgen, Salzburg, Österreich
title: 17 January 1908, Salzburg, Großherzog der Toskana
death: 8 November 1948, Sankt Gilgen
Agnes Maria Theresa von Habsburg-Lothringen
birth: 26 March 1891, Salzburg, Österreich
death: 4 October 1945, Schwertberg, Oberösterreich
Robert Ferdinand von Österreich
birth: 15 October 1885, Salzburg, Österreich
death: 2 August 1895, Salzburg, Österreich
Germana Marie Theresa von Habsburg-Lothringen
birth: 1884, Salzburg, Österreich
death: 1955, Schwertberg, Oberösterreich
Margareta von Habsburg-Lothringen
birth: 1881, Salzburg, Österreich
death: 1965, Schwertberg, Oberösterreich
Anna Maria von Österreich
birth: 17 October 1879, Lindau
marriage: w Johann zu Hohenlohe-Bartenstein und Jagstberg , Salzburg
death: 30 May 1961, Baden-Baden
Heinrich Ferdinand von Österreich
birth: 17 August 1878, Salzburg, Österreich
marriage: Maria Karolina Ludescher , Salzburg
death: 21 May 1969, Salzburg, Österreich
Йосип Фердинанд Австрійський (Habsburg-Lothringen)
birth: 24 May 1872, Salzburg, Österreich
title: 1902, Wien, Österreich
title: 27 January 1908, Salzburg, Grand-Duc de Toscane
marriage: Роза Кальтенбруннер
divorce: Роза Кальтенбруннер
marriage: Gertrude Tomanek de Beyerfels-Mondsee
death: 28 February 1942, Wien
Leopold Ferdinand von Österreich
birth: 2 December 1868, Salzburg, Österreich
other: 1902
marriage: Wilhelmina Adamovicz , Veyrier
divorce: Wilhelmina Adamovicz , Genf
marriage: Maria Magdalena Ritter , Zürich
divorce: Maria Magdalena Ritter
marriage: Klara Groeger , Berlin
death: 4 July 1935, Berlin
Maria Antonia de Toscane
birth: 10 January 1858, Florence
death: 13 April 1883, Florence
== 3 ==
Maria Alix Luitpolda Anna Henriette Germana Agnes Damiana Michaela von Sachsen
birth: 27 September 1901, Dresden, Saxony, Germany, Wachwitz
marriage: Franz Joseph von Hohenzollern-Emden , Szczodre, Poland
death: 11 December 1990, Hechingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Margarete Karola Wilhelmine Viktoria Adelheid Albertine Petrusa Bertram Paula von Sachsen
birth: 24 January 1900, Dresden, Saxony, Germany
marriage: Friedrich Viktor von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
title: from 22 October 1927 - 16 October 1962, Princess consort of Hohenzollern
death: 16 October 1962, Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Friedrich August Georg Ferdinand Albert Karl Anton Paul Marcellus
birth: 15 January 1893, Dresden, Germany
title: 1918, Padre Jesuíta
death: 14 May 1943, Berlin, Germany, Groß-Glienicke Lake
Ernst Heinrich Ferdinand Franz Joseph Otto Maria Melchiades
birth: 9 December 1896, Dresden, Kingdom of Saxony, Germany
title: from 9 December 1896 - 14 June 1971, Duque of Saxony
marriage: Sophie Caroline Marie Wilhelmine de Nassau-Weilburg , Lenggries, Germany, Schloss Hohenburg
marriage: Virginia Dulon , Paris, France
death: 14 June 1971, Neckarhausen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Maria Alix Carola Wettin
birth: 22 August 1898
death: 22 August 1898
Anna Monika Pia von Sachsen
birth: 4 May 1903, Lindau, Germany
marriage: Josef Franz Leopold Anton Ignatius Maria of Bavaria , Szczodre
title: 4 October 1926, Szczodre, Archiduchesse d'Autriche
death: 8 February 1976, Munich, Germany
Elisabeth Helene Thurn and Taxis
birth: 15 December 1903, Regensburg, Bavaria
title: Princess of Thurn and Taxis
marriage: Friedrich Christian , Regensburg, Bavaria
death: 22 October 1976, Munich, Bavaria
burial: Königskapelle Brennbichl
Friedrich Christian
birth: 31 December 1893, Dresden, Germany
title: Royal House of Saxony
marriage: Elisabeth Helene Thurn and Taxis , Regensburg, Bavaria
title: from 1932 - 1968, Chef des Hauses Wettin
death: 9 August 1968, Samedan, Switzerland
burial: Brennbichl, Austria, Königskapelle
== 3 ==
Maria Emmanuel of Saxony
birth: 31 January 1926, Regensburg, Bavaria, Prüfening Abbey
title: Margrave of Meissen
marriage: Anastasia-Luise Alexandra Elisabeth Jutta Sibylle Marie-Auguste Henriette von Anhalt-Dessau , Vevey, Switzerland
title: from 1968 - 2012, Duke of Saxony, Head of the House of Saxony
death: 23 July 2012, La Tour-de-Peilz, Switzerland
burial: Brennbichl, Austria, Königskapelle
Maria Josepha von Sachsen
birth: 20 September 1928, Bad Wörishofen
Roberto de Afif
birth: 30 November 1916
marriage: Maria Anna Josepha von Sachsen , Paris, France
death: 13 December 1978
Maria Anna Josepha von Sachsen
birth: 13 December 1929, Bad Wörishofen, Deutschland
title: Princesse de Saxe
marriage: Roberto de Afif , Paris, France
Elmira Henke
birth: 25 December 1930
marriage: Albrecht Joseph von Sachsen , München, Bayern
Albrecht Joseph von Sachsen
birth: 30 November 1934, Bamberg
marriage: Elmira Henke , München, Bayern
death: 6 October 2012, München
burial: Königskapelle Brennbichl
Gisela Maria Karolina Adelgunde of Bavaria
birth: 10 September 1964, Starnberg, Bavaria, Germany
marriage: Alexandre de Saxe-Gessaphe
Alexandre de Saxe-Gessaphe
birth: 12 February 1954, Munich, Allemagne
marriage: Gisela Maria Karolina Adelgunde of Bavaria
title: from 2012 -, Chef des Hauses Wettin
Friedrich Wilhelm de Afif
birth: 5 October 1955, Mexico City
title: Prince of Saxe-Gessaphe
Karl August de Afif
birth: 1 January 1958, Mexico City
title: Prince of Saxe-Gessaphe
Johannes Albert Leopold Friedrich Christian von Sachsen-Coburg-Kohary
birth: 17 November 1969, Innsbruck, Austria
death: 21 August 1987, Ortler, killed in skiing accident
Marie-Christine de Saxe
birth: 16 October 1956

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