birth: 28 March 1920, New Richmond, , Ohio
other: , , New Jersey,
Trip, Year's 1962, visit to NJother: Longview, , Texas,
Trip, mer 1957, to NJ and backother: , , Washington D.C.,
1946-1947, Honeymoon, honeymoonmarriage: 2 March 1946, Irvington, Essex, New Jersey
other: 2 March 1946, Irvington, Essex, New Jersey,
Wedding, ceremonyother: 16 March 1946, Middletown, , Ohio,
Move, from NJ to OHother: June 1947, Clifton, , New Jersey,
Move, from OH to NJother: 1 May 1951, Lovelette, , New Jersey,
Move, from Clifton to Loveletteother: 1 April 1952, North Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas, USA,
Move, from NJ to ARother: 1 October 1952, Kenilworth, , New Jersey,
Move, from AR to NJother: 1953, Plainfield, , New Jersey,
Move, from Kenilworth to Plainfieldother: 1954, Bound Brook, , New Jersey,
Move, from Plainfield to Bound Brookother: 1955, Longview, , Texas,
Move, from AR to TXother: 1955, North Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas, USA,
Move, from NJ to ARother: 31 October 1958, Winterhaven, Imperial, California, USA,
Move, from AZ to CAother: 20 December 1958, Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, USA,
Move, from TX to AZother: 1959, Yuma, Yuma, Colorado,
Move, from Winterhaven to Yumaother: 31 July 1959, Strawberry Point, , California,
Move, from Yuma to Strawberry Pt.other: 1 December 1959, Saint Helena, Napa, California, USA,
Move, from Strawberry Pt to St. Helenaother: August 1960, Artesia, , Colorado,
Move, from CA to COother: 2 March 1961, Hayden, Routt, Colorado,
Move, from Artesia to Haydenother: 17 July 1961, Flagstaff, Coconino, Arizona, USA,
Move, from CO to AZother: 20 August 1961, Monte Vista, Rio Grande, Colorado,
Move, from AZ to COother: 1962, Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas, USA,
Move, from CO to ARother: December 1962, Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas, USA,
Move, within Little Rockother: 10 May 1964, Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas, USA,
Move, within Little Rockother: 7 November 1964, Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas, USA,
Move, within ARother: August 1965, Lavallette, , New Jersey,
Trip, travel to NJ and backother: 28 July 1966, Cortez, Montezuma, Colorado,
Move, from AR to COother: 22 October 1966, Peoria, Maricopa, Arizona, USA,
Move, from CO to AZother: August 1967, Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, USA,
Move, within AZother: August 1968, Meeker, Rio Blanco, Colorado,
Move, from AZ to COother: 1969, Peoria, Maricopa, Arizona, USA,
Move, from MI to AZother: July 1969, Ann Arbor, , Michigan,
Move, from CO to MIother: August 1973, Craig, Moffat, Colorado,
Move, from CO to AZother: 1975, Maybell, Moffat, Colorado,
Move, from Craig to Maybellother: 1976, Glendale, Maricopa, Arizona, USA,
Move, from Buckeye to Glendaleother: 1976, Buckeye, Maricopa, Arizona, USA,
Move, from CO to AZdeath: 18 April 2002, Glendale, Maricopa, Arizona, USA