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Catherine Gonzague (Secco) b. about 1434 d. about 1495

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Lineage Gonzague
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Catherine Gonzague
Other last names Secco

Barbara Hohenzollern (von Brandenburg-Kulmbach) [Hohenzollern-Brandenburg-Kulmbach] b. 30 September 1422 d. 7 November 1481

Lodovico III Gonzaga (The Turk) [Gonzaga] b. 5 June 1412 d. 12 June 1478

Wiki-page wikipedia:it:Caterina Secco Gonzaga


about 1434 birth: Mantoue

child birth: Paola Secco (Torelli) [Secco]

1451 marriage: Francesco Secco d'Aragon [Secco] b. 1423 d. April 1496

about 1495 death:


  • Source wikipedia it Caterina Secco Gonzaga

Elle fut la fille naturelle de Louis III de Mantoue et de Barbara, née de Brandebourg-Kulmbach.
1451, elle épousa le conseiller et confident de son père, Francesco Secco.
1491, elle intervint en faveur de son mari, tombé en disgrâce par ses contacts avec la maison ennemie de Laurent de Médicis, auprès des Gonzague, mais elle fut bannie et Francesco Sforza confisca tous les biens de son mari.


  1. - wikidata Catherine Gonzague

From grandparents to grandchildren

Albrecht Achilles Hohenzollern von Brandenburg
birth: 24 November 1414, Tangermünde
title: 20 September 1440, nach dem Tod des Vaters Markgraf von Ansbach
marriage: w Margarete Zähringer von Baden , Heilsbronn
title: 1456, nach dem Tode seines Bruders Johann der Alchemist - Markgraf von Kulmbach
marriage: Anna de Saxe , Meißen
title: 1471, nach der Abdankung seines Bruders Friedrich II. von Brandenburg - Kurfürst von Brandenburg
death: 11 March 1486, Frankfurt am Main
Цецилия Бранденбургская
birth: 1405
title: 30 May 1423, принцесса Бранденбурга
marriage: Wilhelm I von Braunschweig , Berlin, Cölln
title: 1428, Princesse de Wolfenbüttel
title: 1432, Princesse de Calenberg
death: 4 January 1449
burial: Брауншвейгский собор
Margarethe Hohenzollern von Brandenburg
birth: 1410
title: 23 March 1423, Duchesse de Mecklembourg-Schwerin
marriage: Albrecht de Mecklembourg-Schwerin (Albrecht V)
title: 20 July 1441, Landshut/Niederbayern
marriage: Ludwig VIII Wittelsbach von Bayern-Ingolstadt , Ingolstadt
title: 1443, Kloster Seligenthal, Landshut/Niederbayern
marriage: Martin von Waldenfels
death: 27 July 1465, Landshut
Magdalena Hohenzollern von Brandenburg
birth: about 1412
title: 3 July 1429, Prinzessin von Brandenburg
marriage: Friedrich II von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
title: 11 June 1434, durch Heirat Herzogin von Braunschweig-Lüneburg
death: 27 October 1454, Scharnebeck, Landkreis Lüneburg
Фридрих II Железный Зуб Гогенцоллерн
birth: 18 November 1413, Тангермюнде, Саксония-Анхальт
title: 20 September 1440, Курфюрст Бранденбургский
marriage: w Catherina de Saxe , Lutherstadt Wittenberg
other: 1470, Abdication
death: 10 February 1471, Нойштадт--на-Айше, Бавария
Friedrich von Brandenburg
birth: 1424
title: 20 September 1440, Cadolzburg, Margrave de Brandebourg-Altmark
marriage: Agnese de Poméranie , Tangermunde
death: 6 October 1463, Tangermünde
Dorothea Hohenzollern-Nürnberg von Brandenburg
birth: 9 February 1420, Berlin
title: 1432, Prinzessin von Brandenburg
marriage: Heinrich IV "der Fette/Dicke" von Mecklenburg-Schwerin
death: 19 January 1491, Rehna, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Kloster Rehna
John IV Hohenzollern (The Alchemist)
birth: 1406
marriage: w Barbara de Saxe
title: 20 September 1440, Margrave of Brandenburg
other: 1457, Margrave of Brandenburg-Kulmbach
death: 16 November 1464, Baiersdorf, Bavaria
Scholastique de Saxe-Wittenberg (de Żagań)
birth: about 1391
title: princesse par naissance
title: duchesse par mariage
children count: 10 enfants dont quatre fils et six filles
marriage: Jean Ier de Żagań
death: 12 May 1461
burial: Żagań, duché de Żagań ou Sagan
Barbara de Saxe
birth: 1405
marriage: John IV Hohenzollern (The Alchemist)
title: 1416, Princesse de Brandebourg
title: 20 September 1440, Cadolzburg, Margravine de Brandebourg-Kulmbach
death: 10 October 1465
Alda de Gonzague (de Carrara)
birth: 1381, Mantoue
marriage: w Francesco III de Carrara
death: 1405, Padoue
Gianfrancesco (Franceso) I Gonzaga
birth: 1395
title: 1er marquis de Mantoue
marriage: Paola Malatesta
death: 23 September 1444
burial: Mantoue, église Saint-François
Paola Malatesta
birth: 1393
children count: 6
marriage: Gianfrancesco (Franceso) I Gonzaga
title: 1433, marquise de Mantoue par mariage
death: 28 February 1449, Mantua (Italy), Monastero di Santa Chiara
burial: Mantoue, couvent de Santa Paola
Dorothea of Brandenburg
birth: 1430
title: from 1445 - 1448, reine consort de Danemark
marriage: Christoph III von Pfalz-Neumarkt
marriage: Christian I of Denmark
title: from 28 October 1449 - 1481, reine consort de Danemark
title: from 1450 - 1481, Queen Consort of Norway
title: from 1457 - 1464, Queen Consort of Denmark
title: 1459, Queen Consort of Sweden
title: 1459, comtesse de Holstein
death: 25 November 1495
Rudolf de Brandebourg-Kulmbach
birth: 1424
death: 1424
Barbara Hohenzollern (von Brandenburg-Kulmbach)
birth: 30 September 1422
title: princesse de la maison de Hohenzollern par naissance
children count: 11
marriage: Lodovico III Gonzaga (The Turk) , Mantua (Italy)
title: 23 September 1444, durch Heirat Markgräfin von Mantua
death: 7 November 1481, Mantua (Italy)
burial: Mantoue, cathédrale San Pietro
Margherite de Gonzague (Este)
birth: 1418
title: 1435, princesse d'Este
marriage: Lionel d’Este
death: 7 July 1439
Lodovico III Gonzaga (The Turk)
birth: 5 June 1412, Mantua (Italy)
title: Mantua (Italy), Marriage
marriage: Barbara Hohenzollern (von Brandenburg-Kulmbach) , Mantua (Italy)
death: 12 June 1478, Goito
burial: Mantoue, cathédrale San Pietro
== 3 ==
Доротея Гонзага
birth: 6 December 1449, Мантуя
marriage: Galeazzo Maria Sforza
death: 20 April 1467, Мантуя
Frédéric Ier de Mantoue
birth: 25 June 1441, Mantoue
title: marquis de Mantoue
marriage: Marguerite de Bavière , Mantua
death: 14 July 1484, Mantoue
Gianfrancesco Gonzaga (the Younger)
birth: 4 October 1446, Mantua
title: prince de Bozzolo
title: comte de Rodiguo
title: 1479, 1er comte de Sabbioneto
marriage: Antoinette des Baux (de Gonzague)
death: 27 August 1496, Bozzolo
Francesco de Gonzague
birth: about 1444
title: 18 December 1461, Rome, cardinal
death: 21 October 1483, Bologne
Susanne de Gonzague
birth: 1447, Mantoue
death: 1481, Mantoue
Rodolphe de Gonzague (Rodolphe de Castiglione)
birth: 18 April 1452, Mantoue
title: seigneur de Castiglione delle Stiviere
title: seigneur de castel Goffredo
title: seigneur de Solferino
title: seigneur de Luzzara
title: seigneur de Poviglio
marriage: Antonia Malatesta (de Gonzague)
marriage: Catherine ou Catarina Pic de la Mirandole (Pio de Savoie, de Gonzague)
death: 6 July 1495, Fornoue
Francesco Secco d'Aragon
birth: 1423, Caravaggio (Italie), république de Florence
title: comte de Calcio
marriage: Catherine Gonzague (Secco)
death: April 1496, Vicopisano, république de Venise
Catherine Gonzague (Secco)
birth: about 1434, Mantoue
marriage: Francesco Secco d'Aragon
death: about 1495
== 3 ==
Marsilio Torelli
birth: Montechiarugolo
title: comte de Montechiarugolo
marriage: Paola Secco (Torelli)
death: 15 August 1489, Chieti
Ercole Bentivoglio
birth: 15 May 1459, Bologne
marriage: Barbara Torelli (Bentivoglio, Strozzi)
death: 10 June 1507
Ercole Strozzi
birth: 2 September 1473, Ferrare, duché de Ferrare
marriage: Barbara Torelli (Bentivoglio, Strozzi) , 2
death: 6 June 1508, Ferrare, assassiné
Barbara Torelli (Bentivoglio, Strozzi)
birth: about 1475, Montechiarugolo, États pontificaux
marriage: Ercole Bentivoglio
marriage: Ercole Strozzi , 2

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