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Ereliva Eusibia b. before 440 d. about 500

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Lineage ?
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Ereliva Eusibia
Other given names Ereriliva, Ereleuva
Wiki-page wikipedia:Erelieva


before 440 birth:

child birth: w Amalafrida Theodomirsdotter [Amal]

between 451 and 456 child birth: Teodorico el Grande [Amal] b. between 451 and 456 d. 30 August 526

about 500 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Flavius Thodomir (Tato) (Amalicus)
birth: about 425
title: from 469 - 474, King of the Ostrogoths
death: 474
Ereliva Eusibia
birth: before 440
death: about 500
== 1 ==
Audoflède de Francie
birth: about 470
marriage: Teodorico el Grande
death: after 526
Teodorico el Grande
birth: between 451 and 456
title: from 470 - 526, Rey de los ostrogodos
title: 484, Cónsul del Imperio Bizantino
marriage: Audoflède de Francie
title: from 493 - 526, король Италии
death: 30 August 526, Равенна, Италия
birth: 450
marriage: w Amalafrida Theodomirsdotter
title: from 496 - 523, Carthage, Roi des Vandales et des Alains
death: 523
Alaric II Balthus
birth: about 458
marriage: Theudicote d'Ostrogothie
title: from 484 - 507, roi des Wisigoths
death: 507
birth: 495
marriage: Eutharic
title: from 526 - 534, Reina de los ostrogodos
death: 535, Bolsena, Tuscany, Italy
title: from 534 - 536, король остготов
death: December 536, Died at the order of Witiges who succeeded him as King

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