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Francis Godolphin b. 3 September 1678 d. 17 January 1766

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Lineage Godolphin
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Francis Godolphin
Wiki-page wikipedia:fr:Francis Godolphin (2e comte de Godolphin)


3 September 1678 birth:

child birth: Henrietta Godolphin [Godolphin] d. 1776

title: comte de Godolphin

marriage: Henrietta Churchill (Godolphin, Marlborough) [Churchill] b. 19 July 1681 d. 24 October 1733

17 January 1766 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Henrietta Churchill (Godolphin, Marlborough)
birth: 19 July 1681
marriage: w Francis Godolphin
death: 24 October 1733
burial: 9 November 1733, Westminster Palace, London, England
Francis Godolphin
birth: 3 September 1678
title: comte de Godolphin
marriage: Henrietta Churchill (Godolphin, Marlborough)
death: 17 January 1766
== 1 ==
Thomas Pelham-Holles
birth: 21 July 1693
title: Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne, 1st
title: Duke of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1st
title: comte de Clare
marriage: Henrietta Godolphin
title: from 16 March 1754 - 16 November 1756, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
title: from 2 July 1757 - 26 May 1762, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
death: 17 November 1768

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