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Albrede de Beaumont (Abbesse) b. estimated 1050

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Lineage Beaumont-le-Roger
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Albrede de Beaumont
Other last names Abbesse

Roger de Beaumont (de Audmere) [Beaumont-le-Roger] b. estimated 1015 d. 29 November 1094

Adeline Meulan (de Newburg) [Meulan] b. estimated 1014 d. 8 April 1081



estimated 1050 birth:

estimated 1070 caste: abbesse d'Etone


  1. - Histoire généalogique de la maison de Harcourt Gilles-André de La Roque de La Lontière — S. Cramoisy (ed. Paris) - 1662 — Tome: 1 — Sur cette page (page: 61)

From grandparents to grandchildren

Gilbert ? (Fils de Thorold)
birth: estimated 980
Richard ? (Fils de Thorold)
birth: estimated 980
Humphrey de Vieilles
birth: estimated 980
marriage: Albreda de La Haye Auberie , France
death: about 1050
Albreda de La Haye Auberie
birth: estimated 984, Pont-Audemer, Normandy, France
marriage: Humphrey de Vieilles , France
death: estimated 20 September 1045
Walderan III ? (de Meulan, Meulan)
birth: between 990 and 995, Mellan (78), Yvelines, France
title: before 1015, Comte de Meulan, Mellan (78), Yvelines, France
death: after 8 December 1041
Robert I ? (Sire de Beaumont)
birth: estimated 1000
Roger de Beaumont (de Audmere)
birth: estimated 1015
title: estimated 1040, Beaumont-le-Roger, seigneur de Beaumont-le-Roger
title: estimated 1040, Vatteville-la-Rue, seigneur de Vatteville-la-Rue
title: estimated 1040, Pont-Audemer, seigneur de Pont-Audemer
death: 29 November 1094
Hugues III ? (de Meulan, Meulan)
birth: 1018
title: Comte de Meulan, Mellan (78), Yvelines, France
death: 1077
Adeline Meulan (de Newburg)
birth: estimated 1014
title: estimated 1077, comtesse de Meulan
death: 8 April 1081
== 3 ==
Henri de Beaumont (Warwick)
birth: estimated 1046
title: 1088, Warwick (England), comte de Warwick, (le premier)
death: 1119
Robert de Beaumont (de Meulan)
birth: about 1046
title: from 1081 -, Count of Meulan
marriage: Elizabeth of Vermandois
title: from 1107 - 1118, 1st Earl Leicester
death: 5 June 1118
Guillaume de Beaumont (Abbé)
birth: estimated 1050
caste: 1070, abbé du Bec
Albrede de Beaumont (Abbesse)
birth: estimated 1050
caste: estimated 1070, abbesse d'Etone
== 3 ==

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