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Louise Antonine de Gontaut-Biron

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Lineage Gontaut
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Louise Antonine de Gontaut-Biron

Marie Adélaïde de Gramont [Gramont]

François Armand de Gontaut-Biron [Gontaut]


child birth: Félicité-Louise Le Tellier de Courtenvaux [Le Tellier]

marriage: François III Le Tellier [Le Tellier]

From grandparents to grandchildren

Marie Victoire Sophie de Noailles (of Toulouse)
birth: 6 May 1688, Versailles (France)
marriage: Louis de Pardaillan de Gondrin
title: 25 January 1707, Madame la marquise de Gondrin
title: 22 February 1712, Madame la marquise de Gondrin Douairière
marriage: Louis Alexandre de Bourbon
title: 2 February 1723, Her Serene Highness the Countess of Toulouse
title: 1 December 1737, Her Serene Highness the Dowager Countess of Toulouse
death: 30 September 1766, Paris, France
burial: Dreux, France, Chapelle royale de Dreux
Lucie Félicité de Noailles
birth: 9 November 1683
marriage: Victor Marie d'Estrées
death: 11 January 1745
de Noailles
birth: 1673
de Noailles
birth: 1674
Louis Paul de Noailles
birth: 1676
title: comte d'Ayen
Adrien Maurice de Noailles
birth: 29 September 1678
title: comte d'Ayen
title: marquis de Montclar
title: comte de La Motte-Tilly
title: comte de Nogent-le-Roi
title: vicomte de Carlux
marriage: Françoise Charlotte Amable d'Aubigné
title: 1708, 3rd Duke of Noailles
title: 1734, marshal of France
death: 24 June 1766
de Noailles
birth: 1680
death: 1684
Emmanuel Jules de Noailles
birth: 1686
title: count of Noailles
death: 1702
Jules Adrien de Noailles
birth: 1690
title: comte de Noailles
death: 1710
Marie Uranie de Noailles
birth: 1691
ordination: nun
Marie Christine de Noailles
birth: 4 August 1672
marriage: Antoine V de Gramont , night between 12 and 13 march
death: 14 February 1748
de Gramont
birth: 1704
death: before 1720
Antoine V de Gramont
birth: January 1672
title: Duke of Guiche
title: comte de Guiche
marriage: Marie Christine de Noailles , night between 12 and 13 march
title: from 1695 - 1713, Duke of Gramont
title: 1724, Marshal of France
death: 16 September 1725
Charles Armand de Gontaut-Biron
birth: 5 August 1663
title: Biron (24), 2e duc de Biron
marriage: Marie Antonine Bautru de Nogent (de Gontaut-Biron)
death: 23 July 1756
Louis de Gramont
birth: 29 May 1689
marriage: Geneviève de Gontaut-Biron
title: from 1741 - 1745, Bidache (64), duc de Gramont
death: 11 May 1745, Fontenoy (Antoing), Belgique, Bataille de Fontenoy
Antoine VI de Gramont
birth: 1688
marriage: Louise Françoise d'Aumont
title: from 1713 - 1741, Bidache (64), duc de Gramont
death: 1741
Charlotte Antonine de Gontaut-Biron (du Bouchet de Sourches)
birth: 1711
marriage: Louis II du Bouchet de Sourches
death: 6 July 1740, Rambouillet (78), château de Rambouillet
burial: Paris (75008), église des Jacobins
== 3 ==
== 3 ==

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