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Gabriel Volland

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Lineage Volland
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Gabriel Volland

w Caspar Volland [Volland] b. 1500 d. 1554


February 1560 graduation: Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Magister Artium

From grandparents to grandchildren

Ambrosius Volland
birth: about 1468, Grüningen
graduation: Padua, Doktor beider Rechte
death: 4 June 1551, Stuttgart
Tobias Volland
birth: about 1470
Nicolaus Volland
birth: about 1471
occupation: Vogt in Besigheim
death: 1544
Philipp Volland
birth: 1472, um 1474
occupation: Pforzheim, Vogt in Pforzheim
occupation: Schultheiß in Pforzheim
marriage: Last
death: 1537
Michael Volland
birth: 1494
death: 1558
Caspar Volland
birth: 1500, Markgröningen, Grüningen
graduation: 1540, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Professor des Rechts
death: 1554, Tübingen
== 3 ==
Gabriel Volland
graduation: February 1560, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Magister Artium
== 3 ==

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