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Tobias Volland b. about 1470

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Lineage Volland
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Tobias Volland

Elisabeth Lyher [Lyher] b. 1442 d. 1490

Heinrich Volland [Volland] d. 1482


about 1470 birth:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Ludwig I von Württemberg
birth: before 31 October 1412
marriage: Mechthild von der Pfalz , Stuttgart
death: 23 September 1450
Anna von Württemberg
birth: 1408, Waiblingen
marriage: Philip I "the Elder" von Katzenelnbogen
death: 16 April 1471, Waiblingen
Heinrich Volland
occupation: Kaufmann und Keller
marriage: Elisabeth Lyher
death: 1482
== 3 ==
Philipp Volland
birth: 1472, um 1474
occupation: Pforzheim, Vogt in Pforzheim
occupation: Schultheiß in Pforzheim
marriage: Last
death: 1537
Ambrosius Volland
birth: about 1468, Grüningen
graduation: Padua, Doktor beider Rechte
death: 4 June 1551, Stuttgart
Nicolaus Volland
birth: about 1471
occupation: Vogt in Besigheim
death: 1544
Tobias Volland
birth: about 1470
== 3 ==

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