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Luis Perez Sucre b. 1899 d. 1957

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Lineage Perez
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Luis Perez Sucre


1899 birth:

1942 marriage: Montevideo, Maria Antonia von Österreich [Habsburg-Lothringen] b. 13 July 1899 d. 22 October 1977

1957 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Maria Antonia von Österreich
birth: 13 July 1899, Zagreb, Kroatien
marriage: Ramon Orlandis y Villalonga , Barcelona
marriage: Luis Perez Sucre , Montevideo
death: 22 October 1977, Porto Alegre, Brasilien
Luis Perez Sucre
birth: 1899
marriage: Maria Antonia von Österreich , Montevideo
death: 1957
== 1 ==

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