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Вальдрада фон Хорнбах b. estimated 770 d. after 823

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Lineage Хорнбахские
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Вальдрада фон Хорнбах

Lambert de Hornbach [Hornbach] b. estimated 735 d. about 782

Gerberga van Laon [Hugobertides] b. 720

Reference numbers GEDCOM::IdavanBoulogne.ged::INDI @I82948@::Kjansen


estimated 770 birth: Франковское княжество

780 marriage: Hadrianus van Orleans [Agilolfing] b. about 760 d. 821

801 child birth: Waldrada (Waldraith) de Orleans [Agilolfing] b. 801 d. after 834

after 823 death: Франковское княжество



From grandparents to grandchildren

Milo von Trier
death: 761, Pfalz, Deutschland
Gui de Treves
birth: 715
title: Count of Treves
Charibert de Laon
birth: estimated 700
title: Laon, Comte de Laon, {{Anselme Caille|Edition=3|Tome=1|Permalien=|Page=25}}
death: between 748 and 762
Lambert de Hornbach
birth: estimated 735, Hornbach, Prussia
marriage: Gerberga van Laon
death: about 782, Prussia
Bertrade of Laon
birth: about 725
marriage: Pépin III Heristal (of Nuestria)
title: November 751, Reine des Francs
death: 12 July 783
burial: Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis)
Garnier de Reims
birth: 716
death: 736
== 3 ==
Guiboar de Hornbach
birth: 785, Hornbach, Prussia
death: 804, France
Видо II Хорнбахский
birth: 761, Франковское княжество
Вальдрада фон Хорнбах
birth: estimated 770, Франковское княжество
marriage: Hadrianus van Orleans
death: after 823, Франковское княжество
== 3 ==
Eudes Ier de Troyes
title: Comte de Troyes
Adélaïde d'Alsace
birth: between 810 and 820
marriage: Conrad II Guelph
title: 835, Comtesse d'Argengau, de Paris et d'Auxerre
marriage: Robert IV The Strong (Capet)
death: between 866 and 882
Robert IV The Strong (Capet)
birth: calculated 830
title: from 853 - 858, comte de Tours
title: from 853 - 858, comte de Blois
title: from 853 - 858, comte d'Anjou
title: between 860 and 15 September 866, comte de Paris
title: from 861 - 865, comte de Tours
title: from 861 - 865, comte d'Anjou
title: 861, marquis de Neustrie
marriage: Adélaïde d'Alsace
title: 865, comte d'Autun
title: 865, comte de Nevers
title: 865, comte d'Auxerre
title: 866, comte de Blois
title: 866, comte d'Anjou
death: 15 September 866, Brissarthe, France
Валахо IV Вернер Вормский
birth: 825, Вормское графство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство, вормский граф
marriage: Oda van Worms

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