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Vladimir Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinov b. 4 August 1848 d. 2 February 1926

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Lineage Sukhomlinov
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Vladimir Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinov

Александр Павлович Сухомлинов [Сухомлиновы] b. 1796 d. 1886

Ольга Ивановна Лунская [Лунские] d. 1866

Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Vladimir Sukhomlinov


4 August 1848 birth: Telšiai, Russian Empire

military service: general of cavalry, after adjutant general

occupation: Minister of War of the Russian Empire (1909-1915)

marriage: Ekaterina Viktorovna Goshkevich (Butovich, Sukhomlinova) [Goshkevich] b. 1882 d. about 1921

2 February 1926 death: Berlin, Germany


Vladimir A. Sukhomlinov (August 4 (16), 1848, Telshiai, Kovno province, Russian Empire - February 2, 1926, Berlin) - cavalry general, minister of war, adjutant general.

"I was born on August 4 (16), 1848 in the town of Telli, Kovno province, near the Prussian border. My father came from the Ukrainian surname Sukhomlin, which, when resettled in the Simbirsk province in the eighteenth century, turned into Sukhomlinov. My father began his service in the infantry Borodino regiment, but then switched to civil service and became the head of the district.In Telshi, he married the daughter of the Belarusian nobleman Lunsky who had moved to Lithuania and lived there with his three children (of whom I was the eldest) tolerably, carefree and peaceful among Russian officers, German and Polish nobles, Lithuanian peasants and Jews.

Later, in 1860, my father was the head of the Bialystok district. "

From grandparents to grandchildren

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Ekaterina Viktorovna Goshkevich (Butovich, Sukhomlinova)
birth: 1882, Kiev
education: Kiev, graduated from the elite Kyiv Fundukleevskaya gymnasium
occupation: Kiev, typist at the Kiev notary Ruzsky
other: friend of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna (correspondence between them has been preserved, stored in the RGDIA)
marriage: Владимир Николаевич Бутович
marriage: Vladimir Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinov
death: about 1921
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinov
birth: 4 August 1848, Telšiai, Russian Empire
military service: general of cavalry, after adjutant general
occupation: Minister of War of the Russian Empire (1909-1915)
marriage: Ekaterina Viktorovna Goshkevich (Butovich, Sukhomlinova)
death: 2 February 1926, Berlin, Germany
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