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Luise Isabelle von Kirchberg b. 19 April 1772 d. 6 January 1827
From Rodovid EN
Lineage | Sayn-Wittgenstein |
Sex | Female |
Full name (at birth) | Luise Isabelle von Kirchberg |
Other given names | Alexandrine Auguste |
♂ Wilhelm Georg zu Sayn-Hachenburg (von Kirchberg) [Sayn-Wittgenstein] b. 1751 d. 1777 ♀ Isabella Augusta Reuss zu Greiz [Reuss] b. 7 August 1752 d. 10 October 1824 | |
Wiki-page | wikipedia:en:Burgravine_Louise_Isabelle_of_Kirchberg |
Reference numbers | GEDCOM::medders_family.ged::INDI @I123488@::Hailey C. Shannon, UID::FF28092186FE5C499D03C2407F77CD79580B |
19 April 1772 birth:
31 July 1788 title: Countess of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Hachenburg, Sayn-Hachenburg
31 July 1788 marriage: ♂ Friedrich Wilhelm of Nassau-Weilburg [Nassau-Weilburg] b. 25 October 1768 d. 9 January 1816
28 November 1788 title: Princesse de Nassau-Weilburg, Huis
14 June 1792 child birth: Kirchheimbolanden, ♂ Georg Wilhelm August Heinrich Belgicus of Nassau [Nassau-Weilburg] b. 14 June 1792 d. 20 August 1839
5 January 1794 child birth: Weilburg, ♀ Augusta de Nassau [Nassau-Weilburg] b. 5 January 1794 d. 11 April 1796
30 October 1797 child birth: Bayreuth, Palace Ermitage, ♀ Henrietta Alexandrine Frederika Wilhelmine of Nassau-Weilburg [Nassau-Weilburg] b. 30 October 1797 d. 29 December 1829
1799 child birth: Bayreuth, ♂ Friedrich Wilhelm von Nassau-Weilburg [Nassau-Weilburg] b. 1799 d. 1845
1806 title: Duchesse de Nassau
6 January 1827 death: Vienna (Austria)
[edit] Sources
- ↑ Fritz Geisthardt: Friedrich Wilhelm. In: Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB). Band 5, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1961 -
From grandparents to grandchildren
engagement: ♂ Heinrich XI Reuss von Ober-Greiz , Франкфурт-на-Майні
death: 4 October 1809
marriage: ♀ Henrica Casado de Monteleone
death: 17 May 1783, Bad Köstritz
marriage: ♀ Ernestine von Schönburg-Forderglauchau
title: from 1748 - 1787, Graf Reuss von Schleiz-Köstritz (y.l.)
death: 3 September 1787, Bad Köstritz

military service: фельдмаршал
marriage: ♀ Wilhelmine Louise von Nassau-Weilburg , Kirchheimbolanden
title: from 1800 - 1817, князь Ройсс старшої лінії
death: 29 January 1817
marriage: ♂ Фрідріх Людвиг Карл Християн цу Кастель-Рюденхауз , Грайц, Священна Римська імперія
divorce: ♂ Фрідріх Людвиг Карл Християн цу Кастель-Рюденхауз
marriage: ♂ Friedrich Wilhelm zu Hohenlohe-Kirchberg
death: 1816

occupation: Австрійський посол у Прусії
military service: фельдмаршал-лейтенант
marriage: ♀ Марія Анна Меєр , Кенігсбрюк, Священна Римська імперія
death: 12 February 1799, Берлін, Священна Римська імперія

military service: фельдмаршал
death: 30 August 1825
marriage: ♂ Вольфганг Ернст II цу Ізенбург унд Бюдінген
death: 2 December 1819

marriage: ♀ Luise Isabelle von Kirchberg
title: 28 November 1788, Princely Count of Nassau-Weilburg
title: 1806, Duc de Nassau
death: 9 January 1816, Weilburg

title: 23 April 1829, Princess of Württemberg
marriage: ♂ Georg Wilhelm August Heinrich Belgicus of Nassau
death: 7 July 1856

marriage: ♂ Georg Wilhelm August Heinrich Belgicus of Nassau
title: 24 June 1814, Weilburg, Princesse de Nassau
title: 9 January 1816, Weilburg, Duchesse de Nassau
death: 6 April 1825, Biebrich

title: from 1801 - 1804, Hochmeister des Deutschen Ordens
marriage: ♀ Henrietta Alexandrine Frederika Wilhelmine of Nassau-Weilburg
title: 10 February 1822, Duke of Teschen
death: 30 April 1847
title: 7 June 1840, Gräfin von Tiefenbach
marriage: ♂ Friedrich Wilhelm von Nassau-Weilburg
death: 19 July 1864, Paris

marriage: ♀ Sofia Wilhelmina Mariana Henrietta Nassau , Biebrich (Wiesbaden), Hesse
title: from 18 September 1872 - 8 December 1907, King of Sweden
title: from 18 September 1872 - 26 October 1905, King of Norway
death: 8 December 1907, Stockholm, Sweden, Stockholm Palace
burial: Stockholm, Sweden, Riddarholmskyrkan

marriage: ♂ Adolph Wilhelm August Karl Friedrich of Nassau-Weilburg
title: 23 April 1851, Dessau, Duchesse de Nassau
title: 23 November 1890, Apeldoorn, Grande-Duchesse de Luxembourg
death: 24 November 1916, Königstein im Taunus

title: 31 January 1844, Великая княжна
marriage: ♂ Adolph Wilhelm August Karl Friedrich of Nassau-Weilburg , Saint Petersburg
marriage: ♂ Adolph Wilhelm August Karl Friedrich of Nassau-Weilburg , Saint Petersburg
death: 28 January 1845, Висбаден, Гессен, Германия

title: 4 October 1847, Archduchess of Austria
marriage: ♂ Ferdinand Karl von Österreich-Este , Vienna (Austria), Schönbrunn Palace
marriage: ♂ Karl Ferdinand of Austria , Vienna (Austria)
death: 14 February 1903, Baden bei Wien, Austria

title: from 8 November 1830 - 22 May 1859, King of the Two Sicilies
marriage: ♀ Maria Cristina de Savoie , Naples
marriage: ♀ Maria Theresa Isabella of Austria , Naples (Italy)
death: 22 May 1859, Caserta, Kingdom of the Two Sicilies

marriage: ♂ Mikhaïl Leontievitch von Dubelt
title: 1868, Bad Pyrmont, comtesse de Merenberg
divorce: ♂ Mikhaïl Leontievitch von Dubelt
other: ♂ Nikolaus Wilhelm von Nassau , morganatic
death: 23 March 1913, Cannes (06), Troisième République

military service: 14 August 1812, Полковник
birth: 26 August 1812, Jaroslawl, Russland
military service: 6 August 1832, Генерал-майор
military service: 6 December 1834, Генерал-лейтенант
marriage: ♀ Тереза (Тереза Вильгельмина Фредерика Изабелла Шарлотта) Нассау , Wiesbaden, Biebrich
military service: 16 April 1841, General der Infantrie
military service: 25 January 1856, Генерал-адъютант
death: 2 May 1881, Sankt Petersburg
burial: 8 May 1881, Sankt Petersburg, Russisches Kaiserreich, Троице-Сергиева пустынь

title: 1 May 1844, Princess of Bavaria
marriage: ♂ Albrecht von Österreich-Teschen , München, Bayern
title: 30 April 1847, Duchess of Teschen
death: 2 April 1864, Vienna (Austria)

marriage: ♀ Maria Karolina von Österreich , Wien
death: 27 January 1913, Wien

title: Prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont
marriage: ♀ Helene (Wilhelmine Henriette Pauline Marianne ) von Nassau-Weilburg
marriage: ♀ Luise von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg , Güby, Stiftung Louisenlund
death: 12 May 1893, Mariánské Lázně, Kingdom of Bohemia, (Marienbad)

marriage: ♀ Marie Wilhelmine von Nassau-Weilburg , Wiesbaden, Biebrich
death: 5 March 1864, Neuwied