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Danilo Stanković Petrović-Njegoš b. 2 June 1826 d. 13 August 1860

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Lineage Petrović-Njegoš
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Danilo Stanković Petrović-Njegoš

Stanko Stijepović Petrović-Njegoš [Petrović-Njegoš] d. 1851

Krstinja Vrbitsa (Petrović-Njegoš) [Vrbitsa]

Wiki-page wikipedia:Danilo I, Prince of Montenegro


2 June 1826 birth:

from 1851 - 1852 title: Montenegrin Bishop

from 1852 - 1860 title: Prince of Montenegro

12 January 1855 marriage: Darinka Markova Kvekić (Petrović-Njegoš) [Kvekić] b. 31 December 1837 d. 15 February 1892

19 March 1859 child birth: Olga Danilova Petrović-Njegoš [Petrović-Njegoš] b. 19 March 1859 d. 21 September 1896

13 August 1860 death: Kotor


Danilo I Petrovic Njegoš (Montenegro Danilo Њegosh, June 6, 1826 -. August 13, 1860, Kotor) - First Prince and secular ruler of Montenegro. March 1, 1852 the Senate of Montenegro has transformed the country into a hereditary monarchy. Danilo conducted a series of reforms aimed at modernizing the tribal relations and to improve the combat capability of Montenegrin troops in front of the Ottoman threat. Land reform has been fixed legalists, approved in 1855. The reforms have faced resistance on the ground, Danilo suppressed rebellion Belopavlovichey tribe.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Petar Marković Petrović-Njegoš
birth: 4 May 1747
title: from 1781 -, Черногория, владыка Черногорский
death: 31 October 1830, Цетинье
== 3 ==
Mirko Stanković Petrović-Njegoš
birth: 19 March 1820, Njeguši
marriage: Стана Мартинович
death: 1 August 1867, Cetinje
Danilo Stanković Petrović-Njegoš
birth: 2 June 1826
title: from 1851 - 1852, Montenegrin Bishop
title: from 1852 - 1860, Prince of Montenegro
marriage: Darinka Markova Kvekić (Petrović-Njegoš)
death: 13 August 1860, Kotor
== 3 ==
Olga Danilova Petrović-Njegoš
birth: 19 March 1859
death: 21 September 1896

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