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Антуанетта де Ламарк

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Lineage Ламарк
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Антуанетта де Ламарк

Робер IV де Ламарк [Ламарк] b. 1512 d. 1556


June 1558 marriage: Écouen (95), château d'Écouen, Henri I de Montmorency [Montmorency] b. 15 June 1534 d. 2 April 1614

1572 child birth: Charlotte de Montmorency [Montmorency] b. 1572 d. 1636

1577 child birth: Marguerite de Montmorency [Montmorency] b. 1577 d. 1660

From grandparents to grandchildren

Робер IV де Ламарк
birth: 1512
death: 1556
== 2 ==
Henri I de Montmorency
birth: 15 June 1534, Chantilly
title: Dammartin-en-Goële, comte de Dammartin
marriage: Антуанетта де Ламарк , Écouen (95), château d'Écouen
title: from 1579 - 1614, Montmorency, duc de Montmorency
marriage: Louise de Budos
death: 2 April 1614, La Grange-des-Prés
== 2 ==
Henri II de Montmorency
birth: 30 April 1595, Chantilly (60), Château de Chantilly
title: Montmorency (95), duc de Montmorency
title: Dammartin-en-Goële (77), comte de Dammartin
death: 30 October 1632, Toulouse (31)
Charlotte-Marguerite de Montmorency
birth: 11 May 1594, Pézenas (34)
title: comtesse de Sancerre
title: duchesse d'Albret
title: duchesse de Bellegarde
title: 17 May 1609, Paris (75), princesse de Condé
marriage: Henri II de Bourbon , Paris
title: 1640, duchesse d'Enghien
death: 2 December 1650, Châtillon-Coligny (45)
Charles d'Angoulême
birth: 28 April 1573, Barraux, Schloss Le Fayet
title: Peer von Frankreich
title: from 1589 - 1650, Graf von Auvergne
marriage: Charlotte de Montmorency , Pézenas
title: from 1619 - 1650, Herzog von Angoulême
title: from 1619 - 1650, Graf von Ponthieu
marriage: Франсуаза де Нарбонн , Boissy-Saint-Léger
death: 24 September 1650, Paris
burial: Paris, Minimische Kirche
Charlotte de Montmorency
birth: 1572
title: Comtesse de Fleu
marriage: Charles d'Angoulême , Pézenas
death: 1636
Anne de Lévis
birth: about 1569
title: duc de Ventadour
marriage: Marguerite de Montmorency
death: 8 December 1622
Генрих Ангулемский
birth: 1594
title: граф де Лорагэ
death: 8 January 1668, Мартиньи-Ланку
Louis-Emmanuel de Valois-Angoulême
birth: about 28 April 1596, Clermont-Ferrand
baptism: 28 April 1596, Clermont-Ferrand
death: 13 November 1653, Paris
Франсуа Ангулемский
birth: 1598
title: граф д'Але
title: барон де Куси и де Фолембрэ
marriage: Jacqueline de La Châtre
marriage: Луиза де Ла Мезонфор
death: 19 September 1622
Marie de la Guiche
birth: 1623
marriage: Charles de Lévis
death: 23 July 1710
Charles de Lévis
birth: 8 May 1600
title: marquis d’Annonay
marriage: Marie de la Guiche
death: 1649
Anne Le Camus
title: Maillebois (28), marquise de Maillebois
title: marquise de Blévy
title: baronne de Châteauneuf
marriage: Claude Pinart
marriage: w François-Christophe de Lévis-Ventadour
François-Christophe de Lévis-Ventadour
birth: 22 April 1603
title: duc de Damville
title: comte de Brion
title: Moustier-Ventadour (19), duc de Ventadour
marriage: Anne Le Camus
death: 19 September 1661, Paris (75), Hôtel de Ventadour

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