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Ida Mathilde Adelheid zu Schaumburg-Lippe b. 1852 d. 1891

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Lineage Schaumburg-Lippe
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Ida Mathilde Adelheid zu Schaumburg-Lippe

Adolf I Georg zu Schaumburg-Lippe [Lippe] b. 1 August 1817 d. 8 May 1893

Hermínia zu Waldeck [Waldeck] b. 29 September 1827 d. 16 February 1910


1852 birth:

1872 marriage: Heinrich XXII Reuss zu Greiz [Reuss] b. 28 March 1846 d. 19 March 1902

20 March 1878 child birth: Greiz, Heinrich XXIV Reuss zu Greiz [Reuss] b. 20 March 1878 d. 14 October 1927

1884 child birth: Greiz, Karoline Elisabeth Ida Reuss zu Greiz [Reuss] b. 1884 d. 4 January 1905

17 December 1887 child birth: Greiz, Hermine of Reuss [Reuss] b. 17 December 1887 d. 7 August 1947

1891 child birth: Greiz, Ida Emma Antoinette Charlotte Viktoria Reuss za Greiz [Reuss] b. 1891 d. 1977

1891 death: Greiz

From grandparents to grandchildren

Georg Wilhelm zu Schaumburg-Lippe
birth: 20 December 1784, Bückeburg
title: from 1787 -, Graf von Schaumburg-Lippe
title: from 1807 -, Fürst von Schaumburg-Lippe
marriage: Ida zu Waldeck , Bad Arolsen
death: 21 November 1860, Bückeburg
Ida zu Waldeck
birth: 26 September 1796
marriage: Georg Wilhelm zu Schaumburg-Lippe , Bad Arolsen
death: 12 April 1869
Matilde zu Waldeck
birth: 10 April 1801
title: Prinzessin zu Waldeck
marriage: Eugen Friedrich Karl Paul Ludwig von Württemberg , Bad Arolsen
title: from 20 April 1817 - 13 April 1823, Herzogin von Württemberg
death: 13 April 1823, Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg
Georg Friedrich Heinrich von Waldeck-Pyrmont
birth: 20 September 1789
title: from 9 September 1813 - 15 May 1845, князь Вальдек-Пирмонтский
marriage: Emma von Anhalt-Bernburg-Schaumburg-Hoym , Schloss Schaumburg
death: 15 May 1854, Bad Arolsen
Adelheid von Anhalt-Bernburg-Schaumburg-Hoym
birth: 23 February 1800
marriage: August Paul Friedrich von Oldenburg
title: 24 July 1817, Oldenburg (Oldenburg), Niedersachsen, Grande-Duchesse héritière d'Oldenbourg
death: 13 September 1820
Hermine von Anhalt-Bernburg-Schaumburg-Hoym
birth: 2 December 1797, Hoym, Seeland (Sachsen-Anhalt)
marriage: Joseph Anton Johann of Austria , Balduinstein, Schloss Schaumburg
title: 30 August 1815, Erzherzogin von Österreich und Palatinissa von Ungarn
death: 14 September 1817, Budapest, Ungarn
Ida von Anhalt-Bernburg-Schaumburg-Hoym
birth: 10 March 1804, Schloss Schaumburg
marriage: August Paul Friedrich von Oldenburg , Oldenburg (Oldenburg)
title: 24 June 1825, Oldenburg (Oldenburg), Niedersachsen, Prinzessin zu Holstein-Oldenburg
death: 31 March 1828, Oldenburg (Oldenburg), Niedersachsen
Emma von Anhalt-Bernburg-Schaumburg-Hoym
birth: 20 May 1802, Schloss Schaumburg
marriage: Georg Friedrich Heinrich von Waldeck-Pyrmont , Schloss Schaumburg
title: 26 June 1823, Prinzessin zu Waldeck und Pyrmont
death: 1 August 1858, Bad Pyrmont
Wilhelm Carl August zu Schaumburg-Lippe
birth: 12 December 1834
marriage: Bathildis Amalgunde von Anhalt-Dessau , Dessau
death: 4 April 1906, Česká Skalice, Ratibořice
Adelheid zu Schaumburg-Lippe
birth: 9 March 1821, Bückeburg
marriage: Friedrich von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg , Bückeburg
death: 30 July 1899, Itzehoe
Matilde zu Schaumburg-Lippe
birth: 11 September 1818, Bückeburg
marriage: Eugen Erdmann von Württemberg
death: 14 August 1891, Pokój, Woiwodschaft Opole
Adolf I Georg zu Schaumburg-Lippe
birth: 1 August 1817
marriage: Hermínia zu Waldeck , Bad Arolsen
title: from 1860 -, князь Шаумбург-Липпский
death: 8 May 1893
Georg Viktor von Waldeck-Pyrmont
birth: 14 January 1831, Bad Arolsen
title: Prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont
marriage: Helene (Wilhelmine Henriette Pauline Marianne ) von Nassau-Weilburg
marriage: Luise von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg , Güby, Stiftung Louisenlund
death: 12 May 1893, Mariánské Lázně, Kingdom of Bohemia, (Marienbad)
Augusta zu Waldeck
birth: 21 July 1824
marriage: Alfred zu Stolberg-Stolberg
death: 4 September 1893
Hermínia zu Waldeck
birth: 29 September 1827
marriage: Adolf I Georg zu Schaumburg-Lippe , Bad Arolsen
death: 16 February 1910
== 3 ==
Adolf Wilhelm Viktor
birth: 20 July 1859, Bückeburg, Bückeburg Palace
marriage: Friederike Amalia Wilhelmine Viktoria
death: 9 July 1916
Georg zu Schaumburg-Lippe
birth: 10 October 1846, Bückeburg
marriage: Мария Анна Саксен-Альтенбургская , Altenburg
death: 29 April 1911, Bückeburg
Heinrich XXII Reuss zu Greiz
birth: 28 March 1846, Greiz
title: Graf und Herr zu Plauen, Herr zu Greiz, Kranichfeld, Gera, Schleiz und Lobenstein
marriage: Ida Mathilde Adelheid zu Schaumburg-Lippe
death: 19 March 1902, Greiz
== 3 ==
Wilhelm Ernst Karl Alexander von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach
birth: 10 June 1876, Weimar, Deutschland
title: Großherzog von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach
marriage: Karoline Elisabeth Ida Reuss zu Greiz , Bückeburg
marriage: Feodora Carola Charlotte Marie Adelheid Auguste Mathilde of Saxe-Meiningen , Meiningen (Germany), Thuringia, Germany, it is given as a wedding date and the January 4, 1910.
death: 24 April 1923, Henryków (Ziębice)
Frederick William Victor Albert (Wilhelm II)
birth: 27 January 1859, Berlin, Kingdom of Prussia, Crown Prince's Palace
title: from 27 January 1859 - 9 March 1888, Prince of Prussia
marriage: Augusta Victoria Fredericka Louise Feodore Jenny Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg , Berlin, Kingdom of Prussia
title: from 15 June 1888 - 9 November 1918, King of Prussia
title: from 15 June 1888 - 9 November 1918, German Emperor
marriage: Hermine of Reuss
death: 4 June 1941, Doorn, Netherlands
burial: after 4 June 1941, Doorn, Netherlands
Hans Georg von Schönaich-Carolath
birth: 11 September 1873, Saabor
marriage: Hermine of Reuss , Greiz
death: 7 April 1920, Wölfelsgrund, Mellendorf
Hermine of Reuss
title: from 17 December 1887 - 7 January 1907, Prinzessin Reuss zu Greiz
birth: 17 December 1887, Greiz
marriage: Hans Georg von Schönaich-Carolath , Greiz
title: from 7 January 1907 - 5 November 1922, Prinzessin Schönaich-Carolath
marriage: Frederick William Victor Albert (Wilhelm II)
title: from 5 November 1922 - 4 June 1941, Kaiserin von Deutschland, Königin von Preußen
title: from 4 June 1941 - 7 August 1947, Kaiserinwitwe von Deutschland, Königinwitwe von Preußen
death: 7 August 1947, Frankfurt (Oder), in sowjetischer Haft
Christoph Martin zu Stolberg-Rossla
birth: 1 April 1888, Roßla
marriage: Ida Emma Antoinette Charlotte Viktoria Reuss za Greiz , Greiz
death: 27 February 1949, Ortenberg
Heinrich XXIV Reuss zu Greiz
birth: 20 March 1878, Greiz
title: between 1902 and November 1918, Graf und Herr zu Plauen, Herr zu Greiz, Kranichfeld, Gera, Schleiz und Lobenstein (1902-1918)
death: 14 October 1927, Greiz
Шарль Франсуа Пруський
birth: 15 December 1916, Потсдам, Пруське королівство, Німецьке царство,
title: Пруське королівство, Німецьке царство, королевич (принц, князь) Прусії
marriage: w Henriette von Schönaich-Carolath , Берлін, Пруське королівство, Німецьке царство
divorce: w Henriette von Schönaich-Carolath
marriage: Luise Dora Hartmann
divorce: Luise Dora Hartmann
marriage: Мария Ева Эррера y Valdeavellano , Lima
death: 23 January 1975, Аріка, Чилі
Henriette von Schönaich-Carolath
birth: 25 November 1918, Berlin, Deutschland
title: from 25 November 1918 - 1 October 1940, Pss Schönaich-Carolath
title: from 1 October 1940 - 5 September 1946, Принцесса Пруссии
marriage: Шарль Франсуа Пруський , Берлін, Пруське королівство, Німецьке царство
title: from 5 September 1946 - 16 March 1972, Pss Schönaich-Carolath
divorce: Шарль Франсуа Пруський
death: 16 March 1972, Нойендеттельзау, Западная Германия
Heinrich Botho Stolberg-Rossla
birth: 1914, Potsdam
death: 1974
Johann Martin zu Stolberg-Rossla
birth: 1917, Roßla
death: 1982, Frankfurt
Sibylle von Zedlitz und Leipe
birth: 4 July 1910, Kuchendorf
marriage: Hans Georg von Schönaich-Carolath
death: 9 October 2006, Vilsbiburg-Achldorf

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