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Thomas II del Vasto Saluzo (de Saluces) b. 1304 d. 15 August 1357

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Lineage Aleramici
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Thomas II del Vasto Saluzo
Other last names de Saluces

Frederic I del Vasto (de Saluces) [Aleramici] b. 1287 d. 29 June 1336

Marguerite de la Tour du Pin [la Tour du Pin]

Wiki-page wikipedia:Thomas II, Marquess of Saluzzo


1304 birth:

marriage: Richarde Visconti [Visconti] b. 1304 d. 1361

1332 child birth: Frederic II del Vasto Saluzo (de Saluces) [Aleramici] b. 1332 d. 1396

from 1336 - 1357 title: marquis de Saluces

August 1357 death:

[edit] Sources

  1. - wikipedia it Tommaso II di Saluzzo
  2. - wikidata Thomas II de Saluces

From grandparents to grandchildren

Eléonore de Saluces
birth: about 1265
marriage: Corrado de Caretto
death: after 1315
Manfred IV del Vasto (de Saluces)
birth: 1262
marriage: Isabella Doria
marriage: Béatrice Hohenstaufen ou de Sicile
title: from 1296 - 1334, marquis de Saluces
death: 16 September 1340, Cortemilia
Constantia II of Sicily
birth: 1248, Sicily
title: 13 June 1262, Queen Consort of Aragon
marriage: Peter III von Aragón , Montpellier
title: 27 July 1276, Alzira (Valencia), Reine d'Aragon et Comtesse de Barcelone
title: 30 August 1282, Foggia, Reine de Sicile
death: 1302, Barcelona
Marie de La Tour du Pin
birth: about 1220
title: Dame de Varey en Bugey, et de Coligny
marriage: Rodolphe de Genève
Béatrix de La Tour du Pin
birth: about 1230
title: Dame de Versieu
marriage: Guillaume de Roussillon
death: 18 May 1306, Sainte-Croix-en-Jarez (42)
Alix de La Tour du Pin
birth: about 1230
death: about 1260
Humbert Ier de La Tour du Pin (de Viennois)
birth: about 1240
title: барон де ля Тур-дю-Пин
title: from 1273 - 12 April 1307, дофин Вьеннский
marriage: Anne de Bourgogne
death: 12 April 1307
Frederic I del Vasto (de Saluces)
birth: 1287
marriage: Marguerite de la Tour du Pin
title: from 1334 - 1336, marquis de Saluces
death: 29 June 1336
Guigues de La Tour du Pin
birth: 1280
marriage: Beatrix von Ungarn
title: from 1306 - 1318, дофин Вьеннский
death: 5 March 1319
Catherine de La Tour du Pin
title: Принцесса де Ла Тур дю Пэн
marriage: w Philip I.(Filippo) of Savoy (of Piedmont)
title: from 7 May 1312 - 13 September 1334, Княгиня Пьемонта
death: 9 December 1337
== 3 ==
Thomas II del Vasto Saluzo (de Saluces)
birth: 1304
marriage: Richarde Visconti
title: from 1336 - 1357, marquis de Saluces
death: August 1357
== 3 ==
Frederic II del Vasto Saluzo (de Saluces)
birth: 1332
marriage: Béatrice de Genève
title: from 1357 - 1396, marquis de Saluces
death: 1396
Marguerite de Pierrepont (de Saluces)
birth: about 1390, Roucy (02)
marriage: Thomas III del Vasto (de Saluzzo)
death: about 1419, Saluces
Thomas III del Vasto (de Saluzzo)
birth: 1356, Saluces
title: from 1396 - 1416, Marchese di Saluzzo
marriage: Marguerite de Pierrepont (de Saluces)
death: 1416, Saluzzo

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