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Rosalie Lombard (d'Ivrea) b. estimated 950 d. 7 February 1003

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Lineage Ivrea
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Rosalie Lombard
Other last names d'Ivrea
Other given names Rozzala

Berengar II of Ivrea [Ivrea] b. estimated 900 d. 6 August 966

Willa III of Tuscany [Bosonid] b. 912 d. after 966

Wiki-page wikipedia:Rozala_of_Lombardy


estimated 950 birth: Italy

child birth: Mathilde [Flanders] d. 995

marriage: Arnulf II Flanders [Flanders] b. 961 d. 30 March 987

980 child birth: Baldwin IV Barbatus (of Flanders) [Flanders] b. 980 d. 30 May 1035

988 marriage: Robert II Capet [Capet] b. about 972 d. 20 July 1031

24 October 996 other: Répudiation, Robert II Capet [Capet] b. about 972 d. 20 July 1031

7 February 1003 death: Compiègne, France

burial: Ghent (Belgium)


Maid of honor empress Adelheid.

They remarried in early 988 as a widow with Robert II 'the Pious' of France (she called it: Suzanna) but is rejected 992 "because she's too old" (to have children) and returns to Flanders. Robert is 20 to 25 years younger than her. The French king initially refuses Rozalla's dowry (Montreuil-sur-Mer) to give back, because this was the only seaport which was directly under the control of the king). Flanders supports in reaction a rebellion and eventually reached a compromise. Rozzala is a key advisor of Baldwin IV.

[edit] Sources

  1. - Wikipédia

From grandparents to grandchildren

Gisela de Frioul
birth: 880
marriage: Adabert I d'Ivrea
death: 13 June 910
Adabert I d'Ivrea
birth: 880, Turin, Piedmont, Italy
title: marquis Ivrée
title: comte Aoste
title: comte Lombardie
marriage: Gisela de Frioul
death: between 17 July 923 and 8 October 924, Ivrea, Piedmont, Italy
Lambert of Tuscany
death: after 938
Teutberge d'Arles
birth: about 885
death: before September 948
Guy (Guido) (Wido) de Toscane
birth: 896
title: between 915 and 929, Marquis de Toscane
marriage: Marozia 1 Théophylacte
death: about 928
Hugh d'Arles (Hugh of Provence)
birth: about 880
marriage count: 4 et 4 maîtresses
children count: 8
title: 903, Count of Vienne
title: 911, marquis de la Viennoise
title: 9 July 926, King of Italy
marriage: Marozia 1 Théophylacte
death: 10 April 947
Бозон VI Тосканский
birth: estimated 885, Тосканское графство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
title: from 911 - 931, Авиньонское графство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство, граф Авиньона
title: from 911 - 931, Везинское графство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство, граф Везина
marriage: Willa II Bourgondie
title: from 926 - 931, Арльское графство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство, граф Арля
title: from 931 - 936, Тосканское графство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство, маркиз Тосканы
death: 936, Тосканское графство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
Rudolf II of Haute-Burgogne
birth: 880
title: 25 October 912, King of Haute-Bourgogne
marriage: Берта Бурхардович
title: 922, King of Italy
title: 933
death: 11 July 937
burial: Saint-Maurice (Switzerland), Saint-Maurice d'Agaune
Вальдрада Бургундська
birth: Священне Царство Римське
Berengar II of Ivrea
birth: estimated 900, Turin, Italy
title: from 930 - 966, Margrave of Ivrea
title: from 930 - 952, Margrave of Friuli
marriage: Willa III of Tuscany
title: from 950 - 961, King of Italy
death: 6 August 966, Bamberg, Germany
burial: after 6 August 966, Regensburg, Bayern, Germany
Bertha of Tuscany
birth: Тосканское графство, Франковское королевство, Святое Римское царство
== 3 ==
Adalbert of Ivrea
birth: 936
title: comte d'Aoste
title: comte de Lombardie
title: marquis margrave d'Ivrée
marriage: w Gerberga de Chalon (de Mâcon)
death: 30 April 971
Gerberga d'Ivrée
birth: 945
marriage: Waleram (Alérame) de Montferrat
death: 986, Casale Monferrato
burial: Casale Monferrato
Arnulf II Flanders
birth: 961
marriage: Rosalie Lombard (d'Ivrea)
title: 962, Graf von Flandern, Mitregent
death: 30 March 987
Robert II Capet
birth: about 972, Orléans, France
title: from 25 December 987 - 24 October 996, Co-roi des Francs
marriage: Rosalie Lombard (d'Ivrea)
title: from 24 October 996 - 20 July 1031, Roi des Francs
other: Rosalie Lombard (d'Ivrea) , Répudiation
marriage: Bertha Bourgogne
other: Bertha Bourgogne , Séparation
marriage: Constance d’Arles
death: 20 July 1031, Melun, France
burial: Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), Basilica of St Denis
Rosalie Lombard (d'Ivrea)
birth: estimated 950, Italy
marriage: Arnulf II Flanders
marriage: Robert II Capet
other: Robert II Capet , Répudiation
death: 7 February 1003, Compiègne, France
burial: Ghent (Belgium)
== 3 ==
Eleanora van Normandië
birth: 1010
marriage: Baldwin IV Barbatus (of Flanders)
title: 1031, Comtesse de Flandre
death: 1071
Cunigunde Ogiva of Luxembourge
birth: 986
marriage: Baldwin IV Barbatus (of Flanders)
title: 1012, Comtesse de Flandre
death: 21 February 1030, Ghent (Belgium), Flanders
Baldwin IV Barbatus (of Flanders)
birth: 980
title: 30 March 987, Count of Flanders
marriage: Cunigunde Ogiva of Luxembourge
marriage: Eleanora van Normandië
death: 30 May 1035, Ghent (Belgium)
death: 995
Adele Capet (of France)
birth: 1009
title: 1027, Messina
marriage: Richard III Norman
marriage: Baldwin V The Pious (of Flanders) , Paris
title: 1028, Comtesse héritière de Flandre
title: 30 May 1035, Ghent (Belgium), Comtesse de Flandre et de Hainaut
death: 8 January 1079, Messina
Baldwin V The Pious (of Flanders)
birth: about 1012, Baudauin Flanders
marriage: Adele Capet (of France) , Paris
title: 30 May 1035, Graf von Flandern
death: 1 September 1067, Lille, France
Welf IV (Ier) de Bavière
birth: estimated 1030
marriage: Judith de Flandre
death: 9 November 1101, Paphos
burial: Weingarten
Judith de Flandre
birth: 1033, Bruges, comté de Flandre
marriage: Welf IV (Ier) de Bavière
death: 5 March 1094, Weingarten, margraviat d'Autriche

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