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Edmund Stafford (4th Earl Stafford) b. 2 March 1378 d. 21 July 1403

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Lineage Stafford
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Edmund Stafford
Other last names 4th Earl Stafford

Hugh Stafford [Stafford]

Philippa Beauchamp [Beauchamp]

Wiki-page wikipedia:Edmund_Stafford,_5th_Earl_of_Stafford


2 March 1378 birth:

child birth: Anne Stafford [Stafford] d. 20 September 1432

marriage: Anne of Gloucester (Anne of Woodstock) [Plantagenet] b. 30 April 1383 d. 16 October 1438

21 July 1403 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 2 ==
Anne of Gloucester (Anne of Woodstock)
birth: 30 April 1383, Essex (England)
title: Countess of Stafford
title: Countess of Buckingham
marriage: William Bourchier
marriage: w Edmund Stafford (4th Earl Stafford)
death: 16 October 1438, Gloucester (England)
== 2 ==
John Bourchier
birth: 1415, Little Eaton, England
marriage: Margery Berners
title: 1455, Baron Berners
title: 1459, Knight of The Garter
title: from 1461 - 1474, Constable of Windsor Castle
death: May 1474
Henry Bourchier
marriage: Isabel de Cambridge
title: from 1433 - 4 April 1483, Baron Bourchier
title: from 1446 - 4 April 1483, Viscount Bourchier
title: 1452, Knight of The Garter
title: from 29 May 1455 - 5 October 1456, Lord High Treasurer
title: from 28 July 1460 - 14 April 1462, Lord High Treasurer
title: from 1461 - 4 April 1483, Earl of Essex
title: from 6 November 1461 - 4 April 1483, Justice in Eyre South of the Trent
title: from 22 April 1471 - 4 April 1483, Lord High Treasurer
death: 4 April 1483
John Holland (2nd Duke Exeter)
birth: 18 March 1395, 18 March 1395 – 5 August 1447
death: 5 August 1447
Anne Stafford
death: 20 September 1432
Henry Holland (of Exeter)
title: Duke of Exeter
death: 1475

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