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(Sir) John Cooper b. 1552 d. 24 November 1610

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Lineage Cooper
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) (Sir) John Cooper

Richard Cooper (of Paulett) [Cooper] d. 8 May 1566

Jane Kingsmill (of Sydmonton) [Kingsmill]


1552 birth:

child birth: w (Sir) John Cooper (of Rockburne) [Cooper] d. 23 March 1630

child birth: William Cooper [Cooper]

religion: England, Pawlet Manor, Somerset

1586 occupation: Parliament- Representative for Whitchurch Hampshire

24 November 1610 death:


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  • Pawlet Manor, Somerset

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From grandparents to grandchildren

== 3 ==
(Sir) John Cooper
birth: 1552
religion: England, Pawlet Manor, Somerset
occupation: 1586, Parliament- Representative for Whitchurch Hampshire
death: 24 November 1610
== 3 ==
Anne (Elizabeth) Ashley
birth: England, Winbourne St. Giles, Dorset
death: 20 July 1628
(Sir) John Cooper (of Rockburne)
religion: Arminianist (Renounced)
title: July 1622, 1st Baronet of Rockbourne
occupation: 1628, Parliament- House of Commons for Poole Borough
death: 23 March 1630
(Sir) Anthony Ashley-Cooper
birth: 22 July 1621, England
religion: Unitarian
residence: 1646, Barbados
title: 1669, Lord Proprietor of Carolina
fact 2: 1681, Arrested for high treason - (Charges Dismissed)
death: 22 January 1683, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Gout of the stomach

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