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Cartimandua (Caertia) - (Aregwedd, Salistia) b. 38 d. 72

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Lineage -
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Cartimandua (Caertia) -
Other last names Aregwedd, Salistia
Other given names Nymphidea

Sallistus (Selys) ? (Aen) [?]

w Gaius Julius ? (Callistus) [?]

Wiki-page wikipedia:Cartimandua


38 birth:

child birth: Nymphidius ? (Calixtus (Callistius)) [Gens Claudia]

marriage: Lucius Adminius ? (Catuvelani) [?]

marriage: (Emperor) Caligula ? (Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus Caligula) [Gens Claudia] b. 31 August 12 d. 24 January 41

marriage: Venutius ? (of Brigantia, Carvettius) [?]

marriage: Bellocatus (Vellocatus) ? (The Armorian) [?]

12 February 41 child birth: Tiberius Claudius Caesar Britannicus [Gens Claudia] b. 12 February 41 d. 11 February 55

45 child birth: Briton, Sallustius Lucullus ? (Marius, Catuvelani) [?] b. 45 d. 89

between 51 and 69 title: Queen of Britain, Eburacum, York

72 death:


Contemporary of Roman Governor Ostorius Scapulus (50/511 CE)

Betrayed Caractacus

5th Wife of Cunobelinus, but upon his death married her stepson Adminius in accordance with Ossetian inheritance customs.

[edit] Sources

  1. Dorothy Watts. Boudicca's Heirs. Routledge, London and New York. p -
  2. Tacitus (Ann.12.40.2-7; Hist.3.45) -
  3. Stein, Paulys Real-encyclopeedie, ed Wissowa, 6th demi-volumes, col. 1627 -
  4. Henri Gaidoz, Henry Arbois de Jubainville, Joseph Loth F. Revue celtique, Volume 25 Vieweg, 1904 -
  5. The Venedotian Code 1 II c 1 article 59 Ancient Laws and lnstitutes of Wales in f p 46 -
  6. Leges W'allicae livre II chap x1 art 32 Ancient Laws and lnstitutes of Wales in f p 790 -
  7. - Location of Eburacum

From grandparents to grandchildren

title: between -4 and 1, King of Northumbria
Paladyr Hudibras (Rhud)
marriage: Locrina (Mother of Boudicca)
title: between 4 and 25, King of East Anglia
Sallistus (Selys) ? (Aen)
title: between 1 and 38
Gaius Julius ? (Callistus)
nationality: Claimed Greco-Roman heritage
== 3 ==
Venutius ? (of Brigantia, Carvettius)
residence: Lugovallium, Civitas Carvetiorum
marriage: Cartimandua (Caertia) - (Aregwedd, Salistia)
other: 69, Dux Brigantus
== 3 ==
Юлия Друзилла
birth: 39
death: 24 January 41
Tiberius Claudius Caesar Britannicus
birth: 12 February 41
death: 11 February 55
Sallustius Lucullus ? (Marius, Catuvelani)
birth: 45, Briton
title: Proconsul of Hispania Baetica
title: Governor of Roman Britain
death: 89, Executed by Domitian

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