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Joël Lacroix b. 1931

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Lineage Lacroix
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Joël Lacroix

Jean Boris Lacroix [Lacroix] b. 1902 d. 1984


1931 birth: France

From grandparents to grandchildren

Cyril Vladimirovich Romanov
birth: 12 October 1876
marriage: Victoria Melita Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
title: 1924, Grand Duke of Russia
death: 12 October 1938
Elena Vladimirovna Romanova
birth: 17 January 1882, Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire, Tsarskoye Selo
marriage: Nicholas , Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire, Tsarskoye Selo.
title: 29 August 1902, Princess of Greece
death: 13 March 1957, Athens (Greece), Attica (Greece)
Boris Vladimirovich
birth: 12 November 1877
marriage count: 2-й муж Зинаиды Рашевской
marriage: Zinaida Sergeevna Rachevsky (Yeliseeva, Romanova) , Genoa, .
death: 9 November 1943
Jeanne Aumont-Lacroix
burial: Paris, Cimetière du Père Lachaise
Jean Boris Lacroix
birth: 1902
occupation: artist, designer (desinger items and paintings still auctioned)
occupation: from 1924 - 1937, directeur artistique de la Maison de couture Vionnet.
death: 1984
== 3 ==
Serge Lacroix
birth: 1928
death: 1944
Joël Lacroix
birth: 1931, France
== 3 ==

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