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Helena - (Mother of David IV Bagratuni)

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Lineage -
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Helena -
Other last names Mother of David IV Bagratuni


marriage: w Giorgi II Bagratuni [Bagration-Georgian] b. about 1054 d. 1112

from 1072 - 1089 title: reine des Géorgiens

1073 child birth: David IV Bagratuni (The Builder) [Bagration-Georgian] b. 1073 d. 24 January 1125

[edit] Sources

  1. - * Voir, liste des reines de Géorgie

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Giorgi II Bagratuni
birth: about 1054
marriage: Helena - (Mother of David IV Bagratuni)
title: about 1060, curopalate
title: from 1072 - 1089, царь
title: about 1081, césar par l'empereur byzantin
other: 1089, abdiquation en faveur de son fils David
death: 1112
Helena - (Mother of David IV Bagratuni)
marriage: Giorgi II Bagratuni
title: from 1072 - 1089, reine des Géorgiens
== 1 ==
Rusudan ? (of Armenia)
other: David IV Bagratuni (The Builder)
other: David IV Bagratuni (The Builder)
title: Вірменське тагаворство, царівна
title: from 1089 - 1107, Грузинське царство, регіна-консорт
Gurandukht Kipchak (Daughter of Otrok)
marriage: David IV Bagratuni (The Builder)
title: princesse par naissance
title: from 1107 - 1125, reine consort de Géorgie
David IV Bagratuni (The Builder)
birth: 1073
other: Rusudan ? (of Armenia)
marriage: Gurandukht Kipchak (Daughter of Otrok)
other: Rusudan ? (of Armenia)
title: from 1089 - 1125, царь
death: 24 January 1125
burial: monastère de Ghélati
Demetri I (Demetrius) Bagratuni (of Georgia)
birth: 1093
title: from 1125 - 1155, Грузинське царство, грузинський цар
title: from 1155 - 1156, Грузинське царство
other: 1155, Грузинське царство, abdication pour son fils aîné David
other: after 1155, Грузинське царство, abdication pour son second fils Georges
death: 1156
burial: Гелатська обитель, Грузинське царство
Vakhtang Bagrationi
birth: 1118
death: 1138
Алексей Комнин
birth: February 1106, Царьград, Греческое царство
marriage: Добродея Евпраксия Зоя Мстиславовна Рюрикович , 1
marriage: Cata ou Cataï Bagration (Comnène)
title: 1122, Царьград, Греческое царство, греческий царь
death: 2 August 1142, Царьград, Греческое царство
burial: базилика Святой Софии, Царьград, Греческое царство
Cata ou Cataï Bagration (Comnène)
title: princesse par naissance
marriage: Алексей Комнин
title: 1122, co-imperatrice consort byzantine
death: 1155, Empire byzantin
Roussoudan Bagration (Bagration d'Alanie)
title: princesse par naissance
title: reine consort d'Alanie ou Ossétie
marriage: Djadaron Bagrationi-Osetien (of Ossetia, Bagratuni)

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