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Minnie Mae Dodger Hood (Presley) b. 1888

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Lineage Hood
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Minnie Mae Dodger Hood
Other last names Presley

Mary L. Warren (Hood) [Warren]

William Hood [Hood]

Reference numbers AFN::12S0-PX2, GEDCOM::PRESLEY.ged::INDI @I12S0-PX2@::Hailey C. Shannon


1888 birth: Fulton (Mississippi), Itawamba County (Mississippi)

1913 marriage: Tupelo (Mississippi), Lee County (Mississippi), Jessie D McClowell Presley [Presley] b. April 1896 d. 19 March 1973

1916 child birth: Vernon Elvis Presley [Presley] b. 1916 d. 1979

burial: Memphis (Tennessee)


Ancestral File (R)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998

[edit] Sources

  1. Ancestral File (R) -

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 3 ==
Jessie D McClowell Presley
birth: April 1896, Itawamba County (Mississippi)
marriage: Minnie Mae Dodger Hood (Presley) , Tupelo (Mississippi), Lee County (Mississippi)
death: 19 March 1973, Tennessee
Minnie Mae Dodger Hood (Presley)
birth: 1888, Fulton (Mississippi), Itawamba County (Mississippi)
marriage: Jessie D McClowell Presley , Tupelo (Mississippi), Lee County (Mississippi)
burial: Memphis (Tennessee)
== 3 ==
Priscilla Ann Wagner (Beaulieu, Presley)
birth: 24 May 1945, Brooklyn (New York), USA
religion: Scientology
marriage: Elvis Aron Presley , Las Vegas (Nevada), USA
divorce: Elvis Aron Presley
Elvis Aron Presley
birth: 8 January 1935, Tupelo (Mississippi), USA
marriage: Priscilla Ann Wagner (Beaulieu, Presley) , Las Vegas (Nevada), USA
divorce: Priscilla Ann Wagner (Beaulieu, Presley)
death: 16 August 1977, Memphis (Tennessee), USA
Jesse Garon Presley
burial: 1935, Priceville Cemetery, East Tupelo, Mississippi, USA, buried in a shoebox
birth: 8 January 1935
death: 8 January 1935, probably stillborn
Ψ Infant Presley
birth: 1942, Tupelo (Mississippi)
death: 1942, Tupelo (Mississippi), Tupelo Hospital

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