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Desiderius - b. about 710 d. 786

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Lineage ?
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Desiderius -
Other given names Daufer , Dauferius, Didier (French), Desiderio (Italian), Thodur (Scandinavian), Theodor (Germanic)
Wiki-page wikipedia:Desiderius


about 710 birth:

child birth: Lieutperga [?]

child birth: Desius ? (Adelchis, Aethelgis) [?] d. after 788

child birth: Anselperga [?]

child birth: Desiderata of the Lombards [?]

estimated 730 child birth: w Adelberga ? [?] b. estimated 730

from 757 - June 774 title: King of Lombardia

786 death:


See also in Wikipedia :
• Didier de Lombardie (fr)
• Desiderius (König) (de)
• Desiderius (en)
• Desiderio (es)

• Desiderio (re) (it)

• Desiderius van de Longobarden (nl)

• Desidério (pt)

• Дезидерий (король лангобардов) (ru)

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
death: after 775
Desiderius -
birth: about 710
title: from 757 - June 774, King of Lombardia
death: 786
== 1 ==
Charlemagne -
birth: between 2 April 742 and 2 April 748
title: from 24 September 768 - 28 January 814, King of the Franks
marriage: Desiderata of the Lombards
other: Desiderata of the Lombards , Répudiation
marriage: Hildegarde de Vintzgau (de Suabia) , Aachen, Germany
title: from 5 June 774 - 781, King of the Lombards
marriage: w Fastrade de Franconie , Worms (Germany), {{Anselme Caille|Edition=3|Tome=1|Permalien=|Page=30}}
title: from 788 - 28 January 814, Duke of Bavaria
marriage: w Luitgarde d'Alémanie
title: from 25 December 800 - 28 January 814, Rome, Western Roman emperor, Imperator Romanorum
death: 28 January 814, Aix-la-Chapelle
burial: 28 January 814, Aix-la-Chapelle
Desiderata of the Lombards
birth: Italie,
title: 770, Reine des Francs
marriage: Charlemagne -
immigration: 770, France, fut amenée en France par le reine [[:fr:Personne:8600|Berte]] {{Anselme Caille|Edition=3|Tome=1|Permalien=|Page=26}}
other: Charlemagne - , Répudiation
Arechis II
birth: 26 August 787
Adelberga ?
birth: estimated 730
Tassilon III
marriage: Lieutperga
title: from 748 - 788, duc de Bavière
death: 796
Desius ? (Adelchis, Aethelgis)
death: after 788, Constantinople
Grimoald III
title: between 788 and 806, Princeps Benevenetti
death: 806
death: 788
Pippin I Carolus
birth: April 777
marriage: Theitrade (Chrothais)
christening: 15 April 781, Rome
death: 8 July 810
burial: 11 July 810, Milan, San Zeno Maggiore

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