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Баграт Багратион b. before 1488 d. about 1540

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Lineage Багратион-Мухранские
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Баграт Багратион

Constantin II de Géorgie [Bagration d'Kartli] b. 1447 d. 27 April 1505

Thamar (Bagration) [-] d. 1492

Wiki-page wikipedia:ru:Вахтанг I, князь Мухранский


before 1488 birth: Грузинское царство

child birth: Ashotan ? (Tsarasanta) [Bagratid] d. 1561

child birth: Alexander of Mukhrani [Bagrationi-Moukhraneli] d. after 1604

child birth: Jothan (Jotun) of Mukhrani [Bagrationi-Moukhraneli] d. after 1572

child birth: Theodora of Mukhrani [Bagrationi-Moukhraneli] d. about 1572

child birth: Guldapar of Mukhrani [Bagrationi-Moukhraneli] d. after 1572

child birth: Archil of Mukhrani [Bagrationi-Moukhraneli] d. 25 November 1582

marriage: Helene ? (Wife of Bagrat I Mukhrani) [?] b. estimated 1490

1488 title: соправитель Грузии

about 1511 child birth: w Vakhtang I of Mukhrani [Bagrationi-Moukhraneli] b. about 1511 d. 1 October 1580

from 1512 - 1539 title: князь Мухрани

1527 child birth: Ираклий Багратион [Багратионы] b. 1527 d. 1556

1537 child birth: Dedeshmedi of Mukhrani [Bagrationi-Moukhraneli] b. 1537 d. 26 August 1580

about 1540 death: Картлийское царство

about 1548 child birth: Jonathan of Mukhrani [Bagrationi-Moukhraneli] b. about 1548 d. after 1572


  1. ბაგრატიონები [1] - ბაგრატ კონსტანტინეს ძე მუხრანბატონი, (?-1540). მუხრანბატონი 1512-1540 წწ. - ცოლი: ელენე, შვილები: ვახტანგ, ერეკლე, არჩილ, აშოტან, ალექსანდრე, დედისიმედი, იონათან, იოთამ, თეოდორა.
  2. ბაგრატიონები [2] - ბაგრატ კონსტანტინეს ძე, ჩანს (1487-1540). - შვილები: ერეკლე, არჩილ, აშოთან, ვახტანგ.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Georges VIII
birth: 1417
marriage: Нестан-Дареджан
marriage: Тамара Джакели
title: from 1446 - 1465, roi de Géorgie
title: from 1465 - 1476, roi de Kakhétie
death: 1476
Вахтанг IV
birth: about 1413
marriage: Сити Хатун Панаскертели
title: from 1442 - 1446, Царь Грузии
death: December 1446
burial: Бана собор
Zaal de Géorgie
birth: before 1428
death: after 1442
David II
birth: after 1417
title: from 1426 - 1428, patriarche de Géorgie
death: 1457, ou 1459
Demetre Bagratid (Of Imereti)
birth: 1413
marriage: Goulaschar d'Iméréthie Bagration (Bagration-Kartlie, Bagration-Kakhétie)
title: 1433, co-king of Georgia
title: from 1446 - 1452, king in Imereti
death: 1453
Bagrat VI de Géorgie
birth: 1435
marriage: Hélène (Bagration)
title: from 1465 - 1478, roi en Iméréthie
death: 1478
Constantin II de Géorgie
birth: 1447
title: from 1478 - 1490, roi de Géorgie
marriage: Thamar (Bagration)
title: from 1479 - 1484, roi en Iméréthie
title: from 1487 - 1489, roi en Iméréthie
title: from 1490 - 1505, roi de Karthli
death: 27 April 1505
Thamar (Bagration)
title: from 1478 - 1490, reine de Géorgie
marriage: Constantin II de Géorgie
death: 1492
== 3 ==
George IX King of Kartli
birth: before 1487
marriage: გულშარ
title: from 1525 - 1527, ქართლის მეფე
death: 1540
Дмитрий Багратион
birth: from 1488 - 1490, оправитель Грузии
Мелхиседек II
other: from 1526 - 1540
title: from 1528 - 1529, Католикос-патриарх Грузии
title: from 1540 - 1545, Католикос Картли
title: from 1548 - 1552, Католикос Картли
death: 1553
Баграт Багратион
birth: before 1488, Грузинское царство
marriage: Helene ? (Wife of Bagrat I Mukhrani)
title: 1488, соправитель Грузии
title: from 1512 - 1539, князь Мухрани
death: about 1540, Картлийское царство
== 3 ==
Vakhtang I of Mukhrani
birth: about 1511
title: from 1539 - 1580, Prince of Mukhrani
title: from 1569 - 1579, Karthli Regent
death: 1 October 1580
Ираклий Багратион
birth: 1527
other: 1540, ჩანს
marriage: Елена Багратиони
death: 1556
Archil of Mukhrani
other: 1540, ჩანს
death: 25 November 1582
Ashotan ? (Tsarasanta)
title: князь
title: from 1539 - 1561, владетель (?)
death: 1561
Alexander of Mukhrani
other: 1550, ჩანს
death: after 1604
Kaikhosro II Jaqeli
birth: 13 February 1522
marriage: Dedeshmedi of Mukhrani
title: from 1545 - 1573, Prince of Samtskhe
death: 29 September 1573
marriage: 4 September 1578
Dedeshmedi of Mukhrani
birth: 1537
marriage: Kaikhosro II Jaqeli
title: from 1545 - 1573, princesse consort de Samtskhé
title: from 1573 - 1581, régente de Samtskhé
death: 26 August 1580
Jonathan of Mukhrani
birth: about 1548
death: after 1572
Guldapar of Mukhrani
death: after 1572
Давид I Багратиони
birth: 1569
marriage: Ketevan ? (of Kakheti)
title: from 1601 - 1602, Царь Кахетии
death: 21 October 1602, Шираз, убит персами
Ketevan ? (of Kakheti)
birth: before 1561
marriage: Давид I Багратиони
death: 22 September 1624, Shiraz
Teimuraz Ier Bagration de Moukhran ou Bagrat II
birth: 16 July 1572
marriage: Anna Èristavi (Bagration)
title: from 1 October 1580 - 1 July 1625, prince de Moukhran
title: from 1623 - 1 July 1625, régent de Karthli
death: 1 July 1625, Marabda, Géorgie (pays), royaume de Kartl-Kakhétie
Erekle ? (of Mukhrani)
birth: 29 March 1560
marriage: თამარ
title: from 1581 - 1605, Prince of Mukhrani
death: 1605
Manouchehr II Jaqeli
birth: after 1550
marriage: Элена Багратион Картлийская
title: from 1576 - 1578, régent du Samtskhe
title: from 1581 - 1614, Prince of Samtskhe
death: 1614
Кайхосро Багратион
marriage: Tinatine Gouriel (Bagration)
title: from 1 July 1625 - 1626, Князь Мухранский
death: 3 October 1629, Османская империя
Vakhtang Ier de Gourie
title: from 1583 - 1587, prince de Gourie
marriage: Tamar Djaqeli (Dadiani)
death: 1587
burial: église de la Transfiguration du monastère de Shemokmedi
Иоана или Янко Джакели
birth: 29 April 1563
death: 20 March 1575
Qvarqvaré ou Kvarkvaré VI Jakéli
birth: about 1546
marriage: Marekhi Dadiani (Djaqeli, Bagration)
title: from 1574 - 1581, atabeg de Samtskhé
divorce: Marekhi Dadiani (Djaqeli, Bagration)
death: 26 November 1581
Basile Djaqeli
birth: 12 August 1564
death: 3 September 1579
Béka III Paul Jakéli ou Saphar ou Safer Pacha
birth: 12 August 1564
title: from 1625 - 1635, pacha d’Akhaltsikhé
death: 1635
Твал-Швенир Джакели
death: between 23 August 1579 and 1583

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