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Leo Grabowski b. 1807 d. 1865

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Lineage Grabowski
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Leo Grabowski
Other given names Грабовские

Stanislas Grabowski [Grabowscy] b. 29 October 1780 d. 3 October 1845

w Цецилия Дембовская (Грабовская) [Дембовские] b. 19 December 1787 d. 17 January 1821


1807 birth:

child birth: Tomasz Grabowski [Grabowscy]

marriage: Emilia Skarbek (Grabowska) [Skarbek]

marriage: Józefina Dłuska (Grabowska) [Dłuscy]

1827 child birth: Adam Stanisław Grabowski [Grabowscy] b. 1827 d. 1899

about 1839 child birth: Antoni Grabowski [Grabowscy] b. about 1839

1865 death:


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From grandparents to grandchildren

Kazimierz Poniatowski
birth: 15 September 1721
title: hrabia
marriage: Apolonia Ustrzycka
death: 13 April 1800
Andrzej Poniatowski
birth: 1735, Wien, Österreich
marriage: Maria Theresia Kinsky , Vienna (Austria)
christening: 1773, Wien, Österreich
Михаил Юрий Понятовский
birth: 12 October 1736
death: 12 October 1794, чтобы не быть казнённым по обвинению в измене, принял яд
Izabela Elżbieta Poniatowska
birth: 1730, Wołczyn, Poland
marriage: Jan Klemens Branicki
death: 1808, Białystok, Poland
birth: about 1800
Stanislas Anthony August Poniatowski
birth: 17 January 1732, Wołczyn, Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
title: from 6 September 1764 - 25 November 1795, Grand Duke of Lithuania
marriage: Elisabeth Szydlowska (Grabowska) , Lviv ?, Jasna Góra ?
death: 12 February 1798, Saint Petersburg, Russia, ? or 9 Sep 1813?,(† the nickname Michael Skiba) in Kadlub Turawski, Ligota Turawska, Opolskie, Poland,(Church Sw. Katarzyny)
burial: Warschauer Königsschloss
Ewa Szydłowska
birth: about 1745
Elisabeth Szydlowska (Grabowska)
birth: 1748, Płock, Poland
marriage: Jan Jerzy Grabowski (Grabowski)
marriage: Stanislas Anthony August Poniatowski , Lviv ?, Jasna Góra ?
death: 28 May 1810, Warsaw, Poland
Maria Anna Czartoryska
birth: 15 February 1768, Puławy, Lubelskie, Polen
title: Prinzessin
marriage: Ludwig Friedrich Alexander von Württemberg
divorce: Ludwig Friedrich Alexander von Württemberg
death: 21 September 1854, Wien, Österreich
Michal Grabowski Poniatowski
birth: 1773, Wiercany?, Warsaw, Poland, Wiercany or Warsaw
marriage: Martha Pelagie Thecla Nowak (Grabowska)
death: 17 August 1812, Smolensk, Russia
Izabela Grabowska (Sobolewska)
birth: 1776, Warsaw, Poland
marriage: Walenty Faustyn Sobolewski
death: 1858, Warsaw, Poland
Цецилия Дембовская (Грабовская)
birth: 19 December 1787, Пулавы, Подкарпатское, Польша
marriage: Stanislas Grabowski , Julia Zabiełłó (Zabiełłówna) (Grabowska)
death: 17 January 1821
== 3 ==
Maria Grabowska
death: 1892
Ludwik Grabowski
birth: 1809
death: 1881, Sierze Górne
== 3 ==
Adam Stanisław Grabowski
birth: 1827
death: 1899
Feliks Grabowski
birth: 1856
Józef Grabowski
birth: 1868

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