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Gratien ? (Municeps, L'ancien, Funarius, Cibalis) b. estimated 290 d. estimated 367

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Lineage ?
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Gratien ?
Other last names Municeps, L'ancien, Funarius, Cibalis
Other given names Gracianus

Licinius ? (Cibalus) [?]

Reference numbers GEDCOM::AugustaGall.ged::INDI @I3287@::SylvainComte


estimated 290 birth: Panonia, Imperio Romano

about 321 child birth: Cibalis, Pannonia, Roman Empire, Valentinian I Cibalus [Gens Flavia] b. about 321 d. 375

estimated 367 death:


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[edit] Sources

  1. - Biographie de Valentinien Ier Wikipédia

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 2 ==
Gratien ? (Municeps, L'ancien, Funarius, Cibalis)
birth: estimated 290, Panonia, Imperio Romano
death: estimated 367
== 2 ==
Justina (empress)
birth: estimated 340
marriage: Flavius Magnus Magnentius
title: from 368 - 375, Rome, Impératrice romaine
marriage: Valentinian I Cibalus
death: 388, Thessaloniki
Sevira Marina
marriage: Valentinian I Cibalus
title: from 364 - 370, Impératrice de Rome
death: before 375
Valentinian I Cibalus
birth: about 321, Cibalis, Pannonia, Roman Empire
marriage: Sevira Marina
title: from 26 February 364 - 17 November 375, Empereur Romain d'Occident
marriage: Justina (empress)
death: 375, (Bratislava) Brigetio, Pannonia-Inferior, Yugoslavia
Theodosius I
birth: 11 January 347, Coca (Segovia), Spain
marriage: Flavia Galla Justina (Valentina, Cibalus)
marriage: Aelia Flaccilla Flavius
title: from 379 - 395, Roman Emperor
death: 17 January 395, Milan, Italy
Flavia Galla Justina (Valentina, Cibalus)
birth: about 340, Cauca, Spain
marriage: Theodosius I
death: 394, Constantinople
Gratian ? (Flavius Gratianus Augustus)
birth: 18 April 359, Sremska Mitrovica, (Sirmium)
marriage: Flavia Maxima Constantia , Roman Kingdom
title: between 375 and 25 August 383, Emperor of the Roman Empire
death: 25 August 383, Lyon (France)
Valentinian II
birth: 371
title: between 375 and 392, Emperor
death: 15 May 392, Vienne (38)
Valens Cibalus
death: 9 August 378

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