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William Peverel b. 1054 d. 17 April 1113

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Lineage Peverel
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) William Peverel

Ranulph Peverell [Peverel] b. 1030 d. 1072

Ingelrica Maud ? (Ingelric) [?] b. 1032 d. 2 November 1083


1054 birth: Normandy, France

1069 child birth: Nottinghamshire, England, Adelise Peverel [Peverel] b. 1069 d. 27 May 1156

1071 marriage: Nottinghamshire, England, Adeline Adeliza ? (Peverel) [?] b. 1054 d. 19 January 1120

17 April 1113 death: Nottingham (England), England, Nottingham Castle


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From grandparents to grandchildren

Ranulph DeWrenroc
birth: 1009, Wales
marriage: w Herleve DeFalaise , Wales
death: France
Herleve DeFalaise
birth: 1003, Falaise (Calvados), France
marriage: Ranulph DeWrenroc , Wales
death: 1050, Fatouville-Grestain, France, Abbaye de Grestain
Ranulph Peverell
birth: 1030, Normandy, France
marriage: Ingelrica Maud ? (Ingelric) , England, Hatfield, Essex
death: 1072, England, Hatfield, Essex
Ingelrica Maud ? (Ingelric)
birth: 1032, London, England, St Martins Le Grand
marriage: Ranulph Peverell , England, Hatfield, Essex
death: 2 November 1083, Caen, France
== 3 ==
Adeline Adeliza ? (Peverel)
birth: 1054, Nottinghamshire, England
marriage: William Peverel , Nottinghamshire, England
death: 19 January 1120, Frome, Somerset (England)
William Peverel
birth: 1054, Normandy, France
marriage: Adeline Adeliza ? (Peverel) , Nottinghamshire, England
death: 17 April 1113, Nottingham (England), England, Nottingham Castle
== 3 ==
William De Heydon
birth: 1080, Heydon (Cambridgeshire), England
marriage: Adelise Peverel
death: Heydon (Cambridgeshire), England
Richard de Reviers
birth: Normandie
title: seigneur de Reviers, de Vernon (Eure) et de Néhou (Manche) en Normandie, et lord de Plympton, Christchurch et Carisbrooke en Angleterre
death: 8 September 1107, Montebourg (50), monastère de Montebourg
burial: Montebourg (50), monastère de Montebourg, église abatiale
Adelise Peverel
birth: 1069, Nottinghamshire, England
marriage: William De Heydon
death: 27 May 1156
Richard FitzRichard
title: 2nd Baron Redvers

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