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Eri Heller b. 15 March 1938

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Lineage Heller
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Eri Heller

Harry Heller [Heller] b. 16 March 1899 d. 3 March 1967


15 March 1938 birth: Petah Tikva, Israel

4 April 1976 marriage: Santa Monica (California), Naomi Charlotte Philippsohn [Philippsohn] b. 14 October 1949 d. 28 September 2009

26 January 1977 child birth: Santa Monica (California), Dania Heller [Heller] b. 26 January 1977

7 February 1979 child birth: Los Angeles, Arnon Heller [Heller] b. 7 February 1979

3 September 1984 child birth: Yoram Heller [Heller] b. 3 September 1984

From grandparents to grandchildren

Margarete Brauer
birth: 7 July 1892, Berlin, Germany
marriage: Harry Heller , Berlin, Germany
death: 1 August 1982, Santa Monica (California)
Harry Heller
birth: 16 March 1899, Berlin, Germany
occupation: from 1924 - 1967, Germany, Scotland, Israel, Physician
graduation: 24 November 1924, Berlin, Germany, Doctor of Medicine
occupation: from 1925 - 1933, Berlin, Germany, Physician and Head Physician at Friedrichshain Hospital
marriage count: 7 April 1932, Berlin, Germany, Married Margarete Brauer
marriage: Margarete Brauer , Berlin, Germany
occupation: from 1936 - 1950, Israel, Beilinson Hospital, Director of Hospital and head of Internal Medicine
occupation: from 1950 - 1967, Israel, Tel Hashomer Hospital, Chief Physician and Head of Internal Medicine
death: 3 March 1967, Hofit, Israel
== 2 ==
Yoram Heller
birth: 16 July 1934, Tel Aviv, Israel
death: 9 January 1980, Petaluma (California)
Timna Heller
birth: 15 June 1936
death: 24 January 1937
Naomi Charlotte Philippsohn
birth: 14 October 1949, Ramat Gan, Israel
marriage: Eri Heller , Santa Monica (California)
death: 28 September 2009, Los Angeles, California
Eri Heller
birth: 15 March 1938, Petah Tikva, Israel
marriage: Naomi Charlotte Philippsohn , Santa Monica (California)
== 2 ==
Dania Heller
birth: 26 January 1977, Santa Monica (California)
Arnon Heller
birth: 7 February 1979, Los Angeles
Yoram Heller
birth: 3 September 1984

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