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Marie-Christine Agnes Hedwig Ida Von Reibnitz b. 15 January 1945

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Lineage Reibnitz
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Marie-Christine Agnes Hedwig Ida Von Reibnitz

Günther von Reibnitz [Reibnitz] b. 8 September 1894 d. 2 February 1983

Maria Anna Carolina Szapáry von Muraszombath, Széchysziget und Szapár [Szápáry] b. 2 August 1911 d. 17 April 1988

Wiki-page wikipedia:Princess Michael of Kent
Reference numbers GEDCOM::royal.ged::INDI @I0097@::Baya


15 January 1945 birth: Karlovy Vary

15 September 1971 marriage: Thomas Troubridge [Troubridge] b. 26 December 1939 d. 22 December 2015

May 1978 divorce: Thomas Troubridge [Troubridge] b. 26 December 1939 d. 22 December 2015

30 June 1978 marriage: Vienna (Austria), Michael George Charles Franklin [Windsor] b. 4 July 1942

30 July 1978 title: Vienna (Austria), Princesse de Kent

6 April 1979 child birth: London, England, Frederick Michael George David Louis Windsor [Windsor] b. 6 April 1979

23 April 1981 child birth: London, England, St. Mary's Hospital, Gabriella Windsor [Windsor] b. 23 April 1981

From grandparents to grandchildren

Hans Egon Friedrich Wilhelm von Reibnitz
birth: 2 September 1856, Breslau
marriage: Ida Nadieshda von Eickstedt , Gierałtowice
death: 20 September 1918, Berlin
Ida Nadieshda von Eickstedt
birth: 1867
marriage: Hans Egon Friedrich Wilhelm von Reibnitz , Gierałtowice
death: 15 July 1937, Grudynia Wielka, Polen
Friedrich von Szápáry
birth: 5 September 1869, Budapest
title: Graf
marriage: Maria Heduvige zu Windisch-Graetz , Schottenkirche (Wien)
title: from 1 October 1913 - 6 August 1914, Botschafter in Russland
death: 18 March 1935, Wien
Agnes Mathilde zu Windisch-Graetz
birth: 14 February 1884, Wien, Palais Windisch-Graetz (Renngasse)
baptism: 16 February 1884, Schottenkirche (Wien)
marriage: Adolf Maria von Thun-Hohenstein-Salm-Reifferscheid , Gries bei Bozen
death: 21 May 1969, Allgemeines Krankenhaus der Stadt Wien
burial: Hietzinger Friedhof
Maria Aglae zu Windisch-Graetz
birth: 11 January 1887, Tachov, Pilsner Region
marriage: Karoly Nagyapponyi , Schottenkirche (Wien)
death: 25 April 1961, Wien
Maria Heduvige zu Windisch-Graetz
birth: 16 June 1878, Štěkeň, Südböhmische Region
marriage: Friedrich von Szápáry , Schottenkirche (Wien)
death: 22 September 1918, Chur
Günther von Reibnitz
birth: 8 September 1894, Miejsce Odrzańskie, Polen
title: Freiherr von Reibnitz
marriage: Maria Anna Carolina Szapáry von Muraszombath, Széchysziget und Szapár , Breslau
death: 2 February 1983, Breitbrunn am Chiemsee, Bayern, Deutschland
Maria Gabrielle Szapary
birth: 28 January 1913
Maria Anna Carolina Szapáry von Muraszombath, Széchysziget und Szapár
birth: 2 August 1911, Welzergasse, Nr.33, Baden (Niederösterreich)
baptism: 4 August 1911, Pfarrkirche Baden-St. Stephan
marriage: Günther von Reibnitz , Breslau
death: 17 April 1988, Sydney
== 3 ==
Michael George Charles Franklin
birth: 4 July 1942, Iver, Buckinghamshire, England, Coppins
title: 4 July 1942, Prince Michael of Kent
marriage: Marie-Christine Agnes Hedwig Ida Von Reibnitz , Vienna (Austria)
Thomas Troubridge
birth: 26 December 1939, London
title: 7-й Баронет Трубридж
occupation: банкир
marriage: Marie-Christine Agnes Hedwig Ida Von Reibnitz
divorce: Marie-Christine Agnes Hedwig Ida Von Reibnitz
death: 22 December 2015
Marie-Christine Agnes Hedwig Ida Von Reibnitz
birth: 15 January 1945, Karlovy Vary
marriage: Thomas Troubridge
divorce: Thomas Troubridge
marriage: Michael George Charles Franklin , Vienna (Austria)
title: 30 July 1978, Vienna (Austria), Princesse de Kent
== 3 ==
Thomas Henry Robin Kingston
birth: 22 June 1978
marriage: Gabriella Windsor , Windsor Castle, St George's Chapel
Gabriella Windsor
birth: 23 April 1981, London, England, St. Mary's Hospital
baptism: 8 June 1981, London, Chapel Royal, St. James's Palace
marriage: Thomas Henry Robin Kingston , Windsor Castle, St George's Chapel
Софі Вінклеман
birth: 5 August 1980, Лондон, Англійське королівство, Сполучене Королівство
marriage: Frederick Michael George David Louis Windsor
Елізабета Дафна Марина Мод Кентська Віндзор
birth: 15 August 2013, Лос Анджелес, СГА
Isabella Alexandra May Windsor
birth: 16 January 2016

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