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Flavius Tiberius Constantinus Augustus b. calculated 540 d. 14 August 582

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Lineage Gens Flavia
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Flavius Tiberius Constantinus Augustus
Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Tiberius II Constantine


calculated 540 birth:

marriage: Христианское царство, w Ino Aelia Anastasia [?] d. 593

calculated 560 child birth: Христианское царство, Константина [Флавии] b. calculated 560 d. calculated 605

between 574 and 14 August 582 title: Byzantine Empire, Emperor of the Byzantine Empire

14 August 582 death: Constantinople, Byzantine Empire

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Ino Aelia Anastasia
birth: Христианское царство
marriage: Ionannes
marriage: w Flavius Tiberius Constantinus Augustus
death: 593
Flavius Tiberius Constantinus Augustus
birth: calculated 540
marriage: Ino Aelia Anastasia
title: between 574 and 14 August 582, Byzantine Empire, Emperor of the Byzantine Empire
death: 14 August 582, Constantinople, Byzantine Empire
== 1 ==
Flavius Mauricius (Tiberius Augustus)
birth: 539, Arabissus, Capadocia
marriage: Константина
other: between 582 and 602, Emperador de Bizancio
death: 27 November 602, Constantinople
birth: calculated 560, Христианское царство
title: Христианское царство, христианская царица
marriage: Flavius Mauricius (Tiberius Augustus)
death: calculated 605, Царьград, Христианское царство
Flavia Miriamne
birth: 582

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