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Kunta Kinte ? (Toby Waller) b. about 1750 d. 1810

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Lineage Mandinka
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Kunta Kinte ?
Other last names Toby Waller

Omoro [Mandinka] b. about 1725

Binta Kebba [Mandinka]

Wiki-page wikipedia:Kunta Kinte


about 1750 birth: Jufureh, The Gambia

marriage: Spotsylvania County (Virginia), Bell Waller [Waller] b. about 1746

29 September 1767 emigration: Annapolis, Province of Maryland, On ship Lord Ligonier

12 September 1790 child birth: Spotsylvania County (Virginia), United States, Kizzy Waller (Lea) [Mandinka] b. 12 September 1790 d. about 1858

1810 death: Spotsylvania County (Virginia), United States

From grandparents to grandchildren

birth: about 1710, Jufureh, Gambia
marriage: Kairaba Kunta Kinte
Kairaba Kunta Kinte
birth: about 1700, Jufureh, Gambia
marriage: Yaisa (Jajsa)
marriage: Sireng
Ψ Janeha Kunta Kinte
birth: about 1730, Jufureh, Gambia
Ψ Saluma Kinte
birth: about 1730, Jufureh, Gambia
birth: about 1725, Jufureh, Gambia
marriage: Binta Kebba
== 3 ==
Ψ Lamin
birth: about 1753, Jufureh, Gambia
Ψ Suvadu
birth: 1755, Jufureh, Gambia
Ψ Madi
birth: about 1760, Jufureh, Gambia
Bell Waller
birth: about 1746, Virginia, Slave of John Waller
marriage: w Kunta Kinte ? (Toby Waller)
Kunta Kinte ? (Toby Waller)
birth: about 1750, Jufureh, The Gambia
marriage: Bell Waller
emigration: 29 September 1767, Annapolis, Province of Maryland, On ship Lord Ligonier
death: 1810, Spotsylvania County (Virginia), United States
== 3 ==
Thomas Lea
birth: 1777
death: 1861
Kizzy Waller (Lea)
birth: 12 September 1790, Spotsylvania County (Virginia), United States
death: about 1858, United States
Matilda Mac-Gregor (Lea, Murray)
birth: about 1810, North Carolina, United States
marriage: George Lea (Murray)
death: 1883, Tennessee, United States
George Lea (Murray)
birth: 1806, North Carolina, United States
marriage: Matilda Mac-Gregor (Lea, Murray)
death: 1890, Tennessee, United States

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