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Gaius Marius ? (Maria) b. -157 d. 13 January -86

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Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Gaius Marius ?
Other last names Maria
Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Gaius_Marius


-157 birth: Arpino, (Arpinum)

marriage: w Julia Caesaris [Julia] b. -130 d. -69

between -110 and -108 child birth: Gaius Marius ? (Maria) [-] b. between -110 and -108 d. -82

-107 title: Consul of the Roman Republic

-104 title: Consul of the Roman Republic

-103 title: Consul of the Roman Republic

-102 title: Consul of the Roman Republic

-101 title: Consul of the Roman Republic

-100 title: Consul of the Roman Republic

-86 title: Consul of the Roman Republic

13 January -86 death:


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From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Gaius Marius ? (Maria)
birth: -157, Arpino, (Arpinum)
marriage: Julia Caesaris
title: -107, Consul of the Roman Republic
title: -104, Consul of the Roman Republic
title: -103, Consul of the Roman Republic
title: -102, Consul of the Roman Republic
title: -101, Consul of the Roman Republic
title: -100, Consul of the Roman Republic
title: -86, Consul of the Roman Republic
death: 13 January -86
== 1 ==
Gaius Marius ? (Maria)
birth: between -110 and -108
marriage: Mucia Tertia
marriage: Mucia
death: -82
title: -82, Consul of the Roman Republic

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