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Bertha d'Aumale b. estimated 1035

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Lineage Aumale
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Bertha d'Aumale

Guerinfrid d'Aumale [Aumale] b. estimated 1000


estimated 1035 birth: Aumale, France

child birth: Guy Ier de Ponthieu [Ponthieu] d. 1100

marriage: Hugh II de Ponthieu (van Ponthieu) [Ponthieu] b. after 1033 d. 20 November 1052

estimated 1020 child birth: Ponthieu, Somme, Picardy, France, w Enguerrand de Ponthieu (Picard) [Ponthieu] b. estimated 1020 d. 25 October 1053

From grandparents to grandchildren

Guerinfrid d'Aumale
birth: estimated 1000
== 2 ==
Hugh II de Ponthieu (van Ponthieu)
birth: after 1033
marriage: Bertha d'Aumale
death: 20 November 1052
burial: Saint-Riquier
Bertha d'Aumale
birth: estimated 1035, Aumale, France
marriage: Hugh II de Ponthieu (van Ponthieu)
== 2 ==
Adelaide (Adelis) of Normandy
birth: about 1027, Normandy, France
marriage: w Enguerrand de Ponthieu (Picard)
marriage: w Lambert van Boulogne
title: from 1053 - 1080, comtesse d'Aumale
death: about 1083, Aumale, France
Enguerrand de Ponthieu (Picard)
birth: estimated 1020, Ponthieu, Somme, Picardy, France
marriage: Adelaide (Adelis) of Normandy
death: 25 October 1053, Arques-la-Bataille, Normandy, France, Siege of Arques
Stephen Aumale
birth: before 1070
death: between 1121 and 1131
Hugo II van Saint-Pol
birth: estimated 1070
marriage: Hélissende de Ponthieu
death: about 1118

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