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Romanus III de Argyros b. 968 d. 11 April 1034

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Lineage Argyros
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Romanus III de Argyros

Nn Argyros [Argyros] b. estimated 920


968 birth:

child birth: Дочка Романа Аргір (Орсеоло) [Аргіри]

from 11 November 1028 - 11 April 1034 title: empereur byzantin

12 November 1028 marriage: Zoe Theodora ? (of Byzantium, de Amorian, Amorian) [Mamikonian] b. 978 d. June 1050

11 April 1034 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Stephan Lucapenos (Macedonike)
graduation: 18 April 963, Лесбос
death: between 946 and 948, Самотраки, убит при попытке к бегству с острова Самотраки, куда был выслан по приговору суда после попытки свержения законного императора [[Запись:22828|Константина VII Багрянородного]].
Helena Lekapene
birth: about 910
title: Августа
marriage: Konstantin VII Porfyrogenetos
death: 19 September 961
Christopher Lekapenos
birth: about 890, 895
marriage: Augusta Sophia , in spring
title: from 921 - 931, Byzantium, Co-emperor of the Byzantine Empire
death: August 931
Феофилакт Лакапин
birth: 917
death: 27 February 956
Nn Argyros
birth: estimated 920
== 3 ==
Basile Argyre ou Argyros
birth: 970
death: 1025
Basileios Argyros
birth: estimated 950
death: about 1017
Zoe Theodora ? (of Byzantium, de Amorian, Amorian)
birth: 978
other: 3rd wife of Konstantin Monomakh since 1042
other: between 1028 and 1034, Empress of Byzantium - Wife of Romanos III Khotonos
marriage: Romanus III de Argyros
other: between 1034 and 1041, Empress of Byzantium - Wife of Michael IV Paflagonian
marriage: Michael IV Paflagonien
other: between 1042 and 1046, Empress of Byzantium - Wife of Constantine IX Monomach
marriage: Constantine IX Monomachos
death: June 1050
Romanus III de Argyros
birth: 968
title: from 11 November 1028 - 11 April 1034, empereur byzantin
marriage: Zoe Theodora ? (of Byzantium, de Amorian, Amorian)
death: 11 April 1034
== 3 ==

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