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Andronikos II Palaiologos b. 25 March 1259 d. 13 February 1332

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Lineage Palaiologoi
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Andronikos II Palaiologos
Other given names Andronicus, Ανδρόνικος

Michael VIII Palaiologos [Palaiologoi] b. 1223 d. 11 December 1282

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25 March 1259 birth: Constantinople

child birth: Марія Баялун Палеолог [Палеологи]

1273 marriage: Anna von Ungarn [Árpáden] b. about 1260 d. 1281

1276 child birth: Theodora Palaiologina Angelina [Palaiologen] b. 1276 d. 6 January 1342

17 April 1277 child birth: Михаил IX Палеолог [Palaiologoi] b. 17 April 1277 d. 12 October 1320

1278 child birth: Константин Палеолог [Palaiologoi] b. 1278 d. 1335

from 11 December 1282 - 1328 title: Byzantine Emperor

1284 marriage: w Irene of Montferrat [Aleramici] b. 1274 d. 1317

1291 child birth: w Theodore I of Montferrat [Palaiologoi] b. 1291 d. 21 April 1338

about 1294 child birth: Constantinople, Byzantine Empire, Simonida [?] b. about 1294 d. after 1340

about 1295 child birth: Konstantinopel, w Demetrios Palaiologos [Palaiologen] b. about 1295 d. after 1343

13 February 1332 death: Mount Athos

From grandparents to grandchildren

Theodora Palaiologina
marriage: Andronikos Dukas Komnenos Palaiologos
death: 1200, Римское царство
Michael VIII Palaiologos
birth: 1223
title: from 1 December 1259 - 25 December 1261, Emperor of Nicaea
title: from 25 December 1261 - 11 December 1282, Byzantine Emperor
death: 11 December 1282
== 3 ==
Eudokia Palaiologina
birth: 1265
death: 1302
Евфросинья Михайловна Палеолог
birth: Римское царство
marriage: Nogaï ou Nokhoi
death: Татарское царство
Irene of Montferrat
birth: 1274, Casale Monferrato
title: from 1284 - 1317, Byzantine Empress consort
marriage: Andronikos II Palaiologos
death: 1317, Constantinople
Andronikos II Palaiologos
birth: 25 March 1259, Constantinople
marriage: Anna von Ungarn
title: from 11 December 1282 - 1328, Byzantine Emperor
marriage: Irene of Montferrat
death: 13 February 1332, Mount Athos
== 3 ==
Theodore I of Montferrat
birth: 1291
title: from 1306 - 1338, Margrave of Montferrat
marriage: Argentina Spinola
death: 21 April 1338
Михаил IX Палеолог
birth: 17 April 1277
title: after 1295, со-император Византийский
marriage: Rita von Armenien
death: 12 October 1320
Тохта Татарський
birth: about 1270, Татарське царство
marriage: Дочь Салдиджай Гургэна
title: from 1291 - 1312, Татарське царство, Степ, Схід Материка, татарський цар
marriage: Марія Баялун Палеолог
death: 1312, Татарське царство, Степ, Схід Материка
Sultan Mohammed Öz-Beg
birth: 1282
marriage: Марія Баялун Палеолог
marriage: Тайдулла
title: from 1313 - 1341, khan of the Golden Horde
death: 1341
Марія Баялун Палеолог
birth: Східне царство, Захід Материка
marriage: Sultan Mohammed Öz-Beg
marriage: Тохта Татарський
death: Татарське царство, Степ, Схід Материка
Михаил Кантакузин
birth: 1265
title: правитель Мореи 1-й византийский пожизненный эпитроп(наместник) Мореи в 1308—1316 гг.
death: 1316
Theodora Palaiologina Angelina
birth: 1276
death: 6 January 1342, Konstantinopel
Stefan Uroš II Milutin
birth: about 1253
marriage: Елизавета Венгерская Арпад
marriage: w Анна Георгиевна Тертерий
title: from 1282 - 29 November 1321, король Сербии
marriage: Simonida , Thessaloniki, (spring 1299), marriage without posterity
death: 29 October 1321, Неродимле
birth: about 1294, Constantinople, Byzantine Empire
marriage: Stefan Uroš II Milutin , Thessaloniki, (spring 1299), marriage without posterity
death: after 1340, Constantinople
Demetrios Palaiologos
birth: about 1295, Konstantinopel
death: after 1343
Giovanni (John) II di Montferrat
birth: 5 February 1321
title: from 1338 - 1372, Margrave of Montferrat
marriage: Isabella of Majorca , Montpellier
death: 19 March 1372
Aimone of Savoy
birth: 15 December 1291
title: Comte d'Aoste et de Maurienne
marriage: Yolande Palaeologina
title: from 1329 - 1343, Count of Savoy
death: 22 June 1343
Anne de Savoie
birth: about 1306
marriage: Andronikos III Palaiologos
death: 1365, Istanbul, (Constantinople)
Иоанн VI Кантакузенос
birth: 1295, Константинополь
marriage: Ірина Асень
death: 15 June 1383

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